Saturday, January 2, 2021

Utter Randomness

Why is your sky blue?  Mine is black. Black as night.  Just a depthless void filled with invisible stars that are overpowered by the synthetic night-life.

Tiny ice crystals fall from the sky to create a shimmering image that is soon destroyed by snowplows and salt trucks.  Maybe we're better off staying home in the winter.  Few things are more beautiful than a parking lot covered in a white coat.

Okay, I'm just about done.  Thanks for playing.

Friday, January 1, 2021


 My story is filled with a million broken pieces.  Terrible choices, less than well thought out plans, and some of the ugliest of truths.  Yet it also contains major comebacks, deep unabiding love, pockets of deep rich belly laughter, a learned peace in my soul, and a fire in my belly.  I do not know what tomorrow will bring, but I am ready for it.