Friday, January 26, 2018

Jive On

'This is not f*****g fair that you took me off the train because I had my foot there because I was comfortable like that,' she said.
'There is no law that tells me that I cannot sit that way because I paid to be in there' but the officer replied: 'It's the rules of the train.'
Meanwhile as small group of bystanders gather, including a woman, later identified by LAPD as 22-year-old Selina Lechuga, who can be heard shouting expletives at the officer.
'Are you f*****g kidding me? You really have nothing to do,' Lechuga says.

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It's well known that I am not always the most tolerant person of sheer stupidity and blatant disregard for your fellow man.  It is also pretty well know that I gave up my vehicles many years back and have chosen to walk, bike, bus, or train my way around this globe.  On an almost daily basis, I ride the bus.  When the load is greater than is comfortable, or feasible for a bus ride I will call upon my trusted cab company to wisk myself home.  I may in fact be one of the few whom does love to drive, but also loves to ride the bus.  I do not hold the hatred many have for public transit.  It's a privilege that I truly appreciate.  Plus I do enjoy people watching.

You notice I used the term privilege, not a right.  Much like driving a car, riding public transit is a privilege not a right.  If you drive like an asshole you'll lose you license and if you are an obnoxious passenger you may indeed be asked to get off the damn bus.  So why are so many up in arms and slamming the LAPD officer for removing the "teen" she is 18; an adult, off the bus?  I see headlines and rants of "abuse of power".  So lets just look at the abuse going on.

The rules of public transit are pretty simple really.  Pay your fare, be respectful to everyone on the bus, music should only be heard by you not everyone on the bus, keep bags and luggage out of the way and off the seats, make room for others to sit, always give up priority seating to those in need, and in general don't be a asshole.  I am paraphrasing the rules I'll admit but yes that pretty much sums it up.  Now there have been many instances where people including myself have screwed up.  It was not intentional, but it was our error.  Errors that are really quick, simple fixes.  Apologize to the one(s) you offended, make quick amends (ie: change the behaviour immediately).

Bethany Nava, chose to ride the train, she chose to put her feet up on the seat because and we can quote her "because I was comfortable like that."  When asked as is well within the rights of the officer, for Bethany to get off the train, she was both disruptive and in being blunt a total uncouth asshole to the officer she was removed by all the while putting up a fight.  But this is somehow the officers fault?  Seriously?  You're going to tell me that if your child behaved with the same attitude you'd have not given your kid a smack on the ass and told them to clean up their act?  I can say that I would have.  Actually let me not lie to you, I would have seriously spanked either of my children for that level of bullshit.

I am amazed at those so willing to defend Bethany and her asinine behaviour.  Where is the accountability?  Yes she paid for her ticket, just as you'd have paid your car insurance.  Does that mean you can dive however you want?  A few years back I screwed up on the train.  I was just learning the routes and where the tracks were that I needed.  It was damn overwhelming I can admit.  So when I heard that the train I needed was about ready to depart, I ran and as I passed the presto machine I swiped my wallet across it and kept running.  I had to make the train!  No where in describing on how to use a presto car and machine does it say swipe your wallet.  It clearly says swipe you card.

So I make it up to the upper level on the train and am so relieved.  I can get home sooner rather than later.  I am in the quiet section (Yes there is one and you had better be quiet. Seriously) and I am resting quietly with my eyes closed when I feel the tap on my shoulder.  It is the transit lady with her handy machine to swipe cards to prove that we all paid.  No problem!  I tap my card, and am told I tapped it too fast.  So I tap it again and see her face change to annoyance.  Ok what had I done to annoy her?  Well for starters, I had NOT paid for my ride.  I explained what I had done and like any public servant who had more likely than heard this "bullshit" far too many times, she took a deep breathe.

She was feeling charitable and gave me a choice.  I could take the $150 fine and have my card taken, or I could have to .50 cent lecture right there in the now silent section in front of everyone who was now well aware I did not pay to ride like they had.  Noting that my back account had maybe 75 dollars in it and really not wanting the hefty fine as well as also loosing the 50 dollar balance on my card, I chose to receive the unforgettable lecture.  I took my very embarrassing lecture like a big girl and apologise profusely whilst the man next to me chuckled and nudged me and whispered "oh your a bad girl" making it all that much worse.  Now I openly admitted that I was an idiot and failed to do my part and the transit officer took both joy and pity in my plight, but was ultimately very kind.

Had I responded as Bethany Nava and Selina Lechuga had with profanity, and telling the transit officer, "don't you have anything better to fucking do?"  How do you really think that embarrassing scene would have ended?  With the .50 cent lecture?  I likely would have been arrested and had a much more embarrassing tale to tell about the time I not only failed to pay for my fare but also acted like a class A cunt.

But someone putting there feet up on the seat isn't as bad as even accidently not paying for their fare.

I beg to differ.  There are rules for riding any public transit and we are expected to obey them.  I cannot even begin to tell you how pissed off I get when I get on the bus and see someone with their feet on the seat.  So whatever your feet have walked through I now have to sit in?  That is for those that actually move their feet after I stare them down with an arched brow.  Those that don't move their feet get told off very bluntly and may still have their feet shoved off the damn seat.  What I really want to do is punch them in the face for being so damned ignorant.

The likelihood is that the Sgt is going to be reprimanded for doing his job, and the little bitch is going to get away with her bullshit to remain a selfish dipshit the rest of her life playing the victim while the rest of us try to do the right thing and not beat the ever loving shit out of her. 

Metro's 28 page customer code of conduct states that 'placing feet or shoes on seats or furnishings' is prohibited disorderly conduct, which may be penalized with a warning and/or ejection from the train.
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