Who Is Diablo Firefly?

It's as big as forever and as small as alone. I had a halo once. It was big and bold and shone like the sun. Of course that lasted all of 30.2 seconds before I dashed the damned thing to the ground and demanded something cooler. I was like, 5? Yes, somewhere around that age. Apparently I was a genius from birth, you see good girls may go to heaven, but the bad girls; we have fun. So pray for me if you must and should a miracle occur out of that Greek tragedy, I'll eat a bug. What can I tell you? I've a love/hate relationship with the entire human race and yet I'm a glass half full kind of girl all in the same breath. Read if you like, laugh, smile, shake your head and cuss out loud! People are generally dumb, animals rule, coco-butter rocks, okra is always wrong, and you may have an idea about me but don't think you know me. You don't. Just remember you're only sharing in a portion of the whole, don't ever forget that.

Hailing from the 4th level of hell, with a dance floor of course. I love mangoes, being barefoot, singing too loudly and always off key, gallivanting, and sarcasm. I loathe okra, kale, and greasy/flaky/chalky lipstick. Born of a mermaid and a pirate king, whom refused to name me or tame me. I've not a clue as to who they truly are or if they think of me often. I'm pleased about that in some odd manner.

I've lived upon the peak of Kilimanjaro and showered in it's mists. I curl my locks in the shadows of rainbows, and sail between bliss and the infamous isle of Tortuga. I'm an open book and a treasure trove of secrets. I listen closely even when no one seems to realize it. I judge myself harsher than anyone else because above all else 'To thine own self be true' is something I believe in. I've got curves for days and a head of hair that doesn't ever seem to cooperate with what I want it to do.

Top ten answers to "Who the Hell is Diablo Firefly"?

10.) She's the wannabe star of the next blockbuster Dead Pool movie.
9.) Wasn’t she that naked chick I saw dancing for strangers?
8.) She's the all-knowing Goddess of her children’s universe.
7.) Isn’t she an online prophet?
6.) No, isn't that some kind of cheap jewelry?
5.) She's that cute chick thats way funnier than anyone likes to admit.
4.) I don't know, but I've been told all your lives belong to Firefly.
3.) Hi Jade
2.) She's not just a person; she's a movement.

And the #1 answer to "Who the hell is Diablo Firefly"? Is… Google it Darlin, it's been done to death.

  You really want to know me?  Chat with me, read my journal.  Take the time and don't expect that you will know me without having met me.   However because you are here and I will give you a little more insight into me.

I am Female, or so it says on my birth records. Others may argue that while I have all of the female features that men desire, I think far more like a man than a woman. I entered into this world during the year of the Ox and I just so happen to be a Sagittarius. Apparently that makes me a hard working, flighty, know-it-all. Ehh. Okay. I don’t believe I am “old” but there are days I feel old, you know like dirt-nap-old. Life, quirky little thing isn’t it? I’ve dated, fallen in love, more than once. With both a man and a woman. Been married, once; and not to the father of my children. I don’t hate my ex’s, I like quite a few of them in fact… Okay not him. He’s different though. He’s a complete asshole. I am liberal. I believe in equality, not being better or worse. Equal opportunities, what you do with the opportunity is up to you. No harm, no foul.

Born in York Region to The finest Clutch of vipers this side of the Rouge River. I went walk-about for 7 or so years and now I’m back in York Region. I’ve taken my own path and decided what is good and true for me and mine, and I know and accept that it might not be good and true for you and yours. I don’t have to agree with your point of view, I probably won’t. That doesn’t mean I won’t fight for your right to believe in it. Show me the same respect, or I’ll squash you like a bug. Kidding! Sort of. I am the quintessential Bitch Princess, though round here I’ll just go by Firefly. Either way I’m a pistol! Or so grandpa use to say. He also used to say I could do and be anything that I wanted. I LOVED that. Took it to heart too. Sometimes I can be mean too. I had this lovely gossamer pair of wings once, I couldn’t keep them clean and they itched and itched until I ripped the fucking things clean off. Thankfully I have a much more durable pair now. I still believe that people are generally dumb, animals rule, coco-butter rocks, okra is always wrong, and that you may have an idea about me but don’t think you know me. You don’t.

I tend to wear my mouth on my sleeve , but I can be tactful, when it’s to my benefit. I understand the diplomacy behind, “When I’m with you time stands still… “ and “My GOD your face could stop a clock.” I write to stay sane, but; to my 10 bearded dragon’s, 30+ snakes, 3 bins of rats (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 2 cats, 3 dogs, 6 kids and very patient friends I’m a mess. Looking back over my childhood and the subsequent beatings that occurred within my childhood home I must say, “Good show I don’t have greater head trauma!”
After many years as an self-employed underpaid, counselor, referee, scientist, I have entered back into the independent work force and I’m liking it. For the most part. I do work both inside and outside of my home. Oddly enough I have held a variety of jobs that just don’t seem to connect but they do.
*Bouncer *Sales associate *Construction worker *Dancer *Daycare provider *Mentor *Coffee Roaster *Assistant tile setter/Stone worker *Go-go dancer *Beautician *Retail sales *Lingerie & Adult toy sales associate and educator…

At this stage in the game I am older, wiser, and pretty okay with everything in my life. Yes even the crappy stuff. Good or bad it’s mine and I like that. My relationship with my Clutch is tenuous at best and it’s sadly humorous. I moved during the winter months in 2008 and didn’t’ tell the Clutch anything about it. They’ve returned the favor six or so months later by doing the same. My sources tell me they’ve bought a trailer, somewhere north of here. That they are going to travel and live out their days happily together. Good show. Just what we need, alcoholics behind the wheel on a consistent basis. But hey, at least they’re consistent!

Silver linings my friends. Silver linings.

Now if you're still with me, my name is actually Jade, although how cool would it be to have Diablo Firefly on my driver's license?  I’ am a 40 something year old bio-mother of 2, the lights of my life.  Stepmother of 4, stand in mother to many, ex-wife, lover, sister, daughter, stepchild, friend, Witch, online magpie, net pirate, animal rights activist, dog rescuer, workaholic…(fill in the blank.)
I’ am a well-rounded woman who enjoys many different activities, my one TRUE Love is Rescue; though it once was karate. I train in the styles of Kenpo and Shotokan.  I made the decision a few years back to further my education, and in one swift movement I did it.  It was odd and it was fun. One day I’d like to go back for a few more courses.

From the moment I made up my mind to go back to school, it was about 2 weeks and I was in.
What can I say, I can be rash and a tad impulsive.  Not so much anymore though.  I try to temper that nature with a dollop of realism these days. A lot of realism in point of fact.

I am very thankful to all of those whom have helped me along the way. These past 15 years have been some of the scariest and most rewarding of journey's I’ve ever been on. Without all of my friends and families help I’m not sure it could have accomplished all that I have. The encouragement and positive reinforcement made all the difference.  I could not have made it this far with it.
From the bottom of my heart, thank those of you who’ve seen me through it all.

Other than that I am the eldest of 4 girls, in my family with allot of extended family as well.   I have been a net-pirate for about 20 years now possibly longer, and have become a computer geek over that time.  Although I still have a long way to go. 

As a child I grew up in the country, and to be honest at the time, I did not appreciate the beauty and upbringing I had.  It wasn't till I had children of my own that I longed for that calming atmosphere that only comes from fresh clean air.  Please don't get me wrong, I can hustle and bustle with the best of them in the city, where I did live for many years; until I moved to the suburbs; and I did like it.  Yet, I miss the days where I had 100 Acres to run free on, climb a tree that has been planted by my Great Great Grandparents, swim in a pond, that had not been polluted with oil, gas, or some other nasty toxin that "somebody" thought could just be dumped into any old lake with no ill effects.

I used to believed that my father was a God and faultless, I though my mother had all the answers, that my friends would always be my friends, my family would live within a block of each other, and that my grandparents would live forever.   I used to believe that you cannot love more than one person at a time, that somehow there was a limit to love.  I don't anymore.
I used to believe that bullies were just bullies, that cheerleaders were all flakes, that blonds should be stopped, and that the dark was a scary place to be without a candle. I use to think that being smart was unobtainable, that reading was not possible, and that the past could not hurt me. I use to think that I had a rock for a heart, and a trash bin for a soul.

I know better now.

I use to sit for hours on end just dreaming of how it was going to be and why it had to be the way it was. I find myself these days trying to remember what it *was* like and worry less about what is going to be. I use to believe that we are all black or white, good or bad, sinners or heaven sent... I now know that we are not... not black or white, not good or bad, not sinners or heaven sent. I now know that we are all just us. Human, alive, and making our way through the metal jungle with at time the stealth moves of a stalking feline and other times with the clout of a sloth... and other times we are standing still not moving an inch, waiting…yes waiting for those that are not there yet, waiting for those that will walk with us a mile and share in our joys, sadness, tears, and triumphs.

I now see that a smile can cure a cut, and a kiss can make things better. I see that we are all part of a common ground, doing our best to remove the walls of clay that are no longer needed, replacing them with that grand old slamming screen door; and not once shouting “stop the slamming”. We swing it open wild and free, letting it slam against our soul's allowing the wind to carry the echo to those that have yet to find the front porch.

For those of you that are still waiting, I thank you. I see that porch light on, it has been a long trek, but your echo is guiding me well ensuring that my steps are rich and sure. I was lost in a fog for what seemed a lifetime, but that fog is lifting and I see the hand outstretched.

I was asleep for so long.

I'm wide-awake now.

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