Friday, January 1, 2016

Bring It On 2016!

I'm ready.

I’m proud to call myself a woman who’s far more than the sum of her parts, or the trials, tribulations, or successes I've faced.  I rarely fit the  mold other's or even that which society often places before or upon me.  The stressful nature of the life I’ve been blessed with allows me to understand, empathize and help others in a variety of ways, though most notably and often times by simply stating those things which they tend to overlook within themselves. My my liquidesque nature allows me, to understand them even when I'm nothing like them.

Judgement from other's while accepted is vastly ignored. It won’t be the first time I’ve heard- “you’re foolish!”, or “that’s insane”. That’s life. I’m a woman, with flaws and passions I choose not to label or run away from. Who am I? That's a good question. Not sure I have the complete answer to that yet.  Though I am a mother to two amazing adult biological children, a slew of other kids whom have chosen to call me "momma", 2 crazy dogs, a slew of fosters, 2 cats, and 1 spoiled fish. I’ve been a business owner, a cheerleader, an advocate, a rescuer, a wife once upon a time, a daughter, a sister, a joker, a lover, a cheater, a mistress, a random blogger, a friend, a bitch, and so many other labels that din't actually fit on a box or in some snappy headline.

As a wife I withered to a nonexistence that left me longing to run wild and free.  As a sister, daughter, granddaughter, and auntie, I've learn I do best at loving them from afar. As a best friend, I am always there in heart if not in person, and those who've suck with me through thick and thin know beyond any shadow of doubt that my loyalty knows no bounds. I’m a decent cook, baker, and pastry chef. I’m a housekeeper, with a hose that always needs cleaning. I’m an accountant. I’m a secretary. I’m a social planner. I’m an avid walker, and solitary witch. The list goes on and on much like my hips and ass…
The best and worst part about wearing so many different titles, is that I don’t always need or get a break. I just need to shift titles and adjust the hat to the adventure. I realize now, the reason why I was given this multi-rolled life. Being the fiery Sagittarius that I am, I’m a firefly. A light in the darkness for some, a siren song to others. I smirk in the face of adversity. I’m unable to do anything in extreme because I’m always being pulled in 2 opposing directions. My house is what you might call a frat-house, meets dog kennel. I have organized stacks throughout- whether it be laundry, movies, purses, leashes, or paperwork I’m attempting to clear up.

I live my life with passion. There is no in-between with me. It drives many crazy and thus they need to take me in small doses. I'm very okay with that. I accept and judge everyone on the bases of their own merits. I've lusted after one man for 20+ years and know it will never be anything more than that, it makes me smile. I remember my first passionate kiss 28 years ago and have always measured each kiss there after by that standard. I don’t have the luxury of a vacations, or day spas. I don’t have the luxury of time off. It isn't other's idea of freedom, but it forces me learn, stretch, and grow each day.

Even more beautiful is the clarity this gives me in seeing that I have so much to be thankful for. Even though I am alone, and while I can be lonely from time to time; I can just as easily feel completely alone when surrounded by a room full of people. Yet there are those moments. Those moments of perfect togetherness. Clarity that encase me like a soothing balm reminding me that I don’t need to be in control of everything, but self control is always something I strive for. Living a life of passion does require a reality check from time to time after all. To just breath.

Each challenge that I face, and each fire that I put out, be it of my own creation or created by others, I have this army of self empowered advocating women whom a simply a text away. Plus I have porn. Life will continue to set me up with many more challenges and growth opportunities. Some I will face alone and other's I will have no choice but to reach out to my amazing social Amazons. I am so privilege to have such a vast and unique network of fantastic humans I'm able to share my journey with.

I hope you’re all still with me!  Because I say, bring it on.

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