Thursday, August 27, 2020


I wasn’t always good at forgiving.  In time though as many of us learn, forgiveness is far more for ourselves than for the other person.

Forgetting, well that isn’t something as easily done.  I’m far more patient than I once was, I even believe in second chances....third... well that’s just pushing it.   So yes I will forgive, I will give second chances, I will do my very best to remain friendly even.  It’s probably why those whom think they know me and even dare to call us friends fail to realize it’s not my anger they should concern themselves with. It’s my silence.

You can be guaranteed that if I cut you off.  You handed me the scissors.

When I’m done, I am done.  There will be no going back and repairing anything. Disrespectful, boundary crossing behaviour will never go unnoticed, nor will it be accepted.

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