Friday, October 28, 2005

Enjoy Hallows Eve On Your Terms

Just as no does not equal maybe, and regret does not equal rape. Trick-or-treating does not mean
your child is going to be molested. While I believe that the group parties set up for children of all
ages can be a good and helpful thing for parents whom have to work, or are unable to be with their
children to do the traditional trick-or-treating walk around the neighborhood, I have become rather annoyed with the attempt to pray on peoples fears, or even lulling them into a false sense of security by using these town/political sponsored Halloween get togethers, with the cry of 'the child molesters will be out in full force'.  Is there safety in numbers? Yes, that is a common fact. Just as it is a common fact that you shouldn't allow your children to trick-or -treat by themselves, or eat their candy without making sure it is safe.

What many are seeming to forget or simply ignore is the fact that child molesters are out there every day of our lives. They come from every walk of life, almost every age bracket, and social and economic background. Why should I believe that my child(ren) are safer with the 5 or so adults, and countless other children whom are strangers at the sponsored Halloween party, than they are with me walking door to door? I wouldn't put my children into a licensed daycare without doing background
checks so why would I hand them over to complete strangers for a night just because they are offering fun, free food, and games?

The news, the reports, and the victims themselves have proven that a child molester can reside within
daycares, youth groups, churches, schools, and yes the victims family as well. Stop praying on
people fears and people stop buying into it! How long are we going to cower in the corner and hide
away from the darkness because it seems safer and feels so much easier. How long is it going to
be before we say enough is enough, I will not cower in fear. I will not be a pawn, and I will not be handing you my voice! It is MY voice and I will use it. I will control my life and deal with the harsh realities as they arise and I will do it without being ashamed or made to feel fear.

I will empower my children, and make sure they always have their voice. I have already taught them about making good choices and will continue to enforce that lesson. I will also be reinforcing the knowledge that regardless as to where they are that there are bad people out there that they need to be mindful of, but that they need not cower in fear or lock themselves away to feel safe and secure. For
far too long now, this country has behaved as though it is a wounded animal reacting to everything in fear. From the big moments to the simplest of daily activities, people seem to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Enough is enough, take back your own voices and choose to be assertive in your daily lives, stop being the lab rats in some politicians experiment.

He took "My Life!" Don't you understand?  I didn't work so hard on "My Life" only
to have it taken by some psychology teacher!  I WANT "MY LIFE" BACK!!!
-- Cuitla, about his psychology class project.

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