Sunday, June 3, 2007

Gruff Good Byes and Spolied Kids

Lord Montague went home this evening. TGB ruffed up his fur and said a harsh good bye before heading into the house. Yeah, he's so stern and hard-core. I swear he's turning into the biggest softie. I know he was hoping that Monty would stay with us for good, but that just isn’t how it works big guy. After dropping Lord Montague and TMQ off at his dad’s I headed home for a nap. I forgot how much extra energy it takes having my son around. I can’t complain about it, hell I’m the direct reason he is the way he is. But damn give me a 2 week break and I, well okay I got a bit soft. Honestly it’s something we joke around about. To the rest of the world, TMQ is head-strong, determined, mature, the go-to-guy of getting the job done. He is all that, and more. Yet the minute he’s home with me he’s also a big baby. “Mommy….” He begins while grinning like a fool from the front deck. “What do you want kid? And be advised the answer is no.” I artfully begin. (Yeah, go me) “Mommy, would you make me popcorn…you know with the real butter and the sea salt….blah blah” I do the arched eyebrow and then laugh. “I love you Mommy…” Yeah so we all know what I was doing 3 minutes later right? I know I’m such a boob.

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