Friday, February 5, 2016

While you were wasting your time being productive ...

A mystery was solved for me this past week, thanks to TheFace.  I was forced to listen to Led Zeppelin in seventh grade. Yes it was all thanks to a boy. A boy I thought was super cute, hence the listening as though my young ears were not screaming out for it all to end. Since then, I have always been a little confused as to who this "back door man" character really is.

In my innocence, I thought it was just a man who had a home like mine. Where there was no walk way to the front door, thus he just had to enter in through the back. Yes it was cute how literal my mind was way back then. Then, as I grew older and became the sexually aware woman that I am today, I thought it was a euphemism for anal sex, or being gay.

Now, I know that a back door man is someone you're not supposed to sleep with. He has to sneak in. Through the back door. Literally. Or else he can't be considered a back door man. A bedroom window man, perhaps? A sneak away to a seedy motel man maybe, but before I digress into babble mode...

Which raises a few questions for me. I live in a basement apartment, my door is the back door. If I leave my door unlocked, would I get my very own back door man? If I put a sign on the front door reading,"Back door found in the back of the house", would I increase my chances of getting my own back door man? Should I leave out some milk and cookies? Or are all the enter in to my home, be they partners or not; by proxy backdoor men?

I think I need sleep.

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