Saturday, April 29, 2017

Tornado Touchdown

Dear Texas Residents,

My heartfelt sympathies to those in Canton, and all area's effected by the tornado touchdown.  We've seen gentler and we seen harsher storms my loves and still we rise.  Hang in there and while I cannot be there with you I am thinking of you. 

Dear Tornado,

Must you always hit those whom don't deserve it while blatantly ignoring my fuckwit of a husband who is right there.  Easy pickin's tornado. E-Z pickin's.  On your next pass through, please just take him!

If I' only killed him when I first thought about it; I'd be out by now.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Time Marches On

Time does indeed march on and as you age, as I am; you will find it's marching with an entire troupe across your face.  My once resilient and impossibly youthful skin has begun to remind me that while I may feel ageless most days, it is requiring some extra care.  Between age and work environment, which in my case is quite a harsh environment my face is freaking the hell out to put it mildly.  Never before have I had to deal with this many breakouts and tenderness from my skin.  About a week ago they moved around a fair amount of stuff at work, thus sending my already irritated skin into a tailspin of "fuck you all, I'm going to turn red, rashy, and hurt like a mother fucker" began. 

I had breakouts as a teen, much the same way we all did when our youthful hormones kicked it up a notch and did their version of Stuart's, "Look what I can do!"  Yet this is completely new to me.  My youthful breakouts were nothing compared to this level of insanity.  For some of you, it will seem like hell; while to others still you'll Z-snap and say, "gurl, that ain't nothin!"  Of course each of our mileage will vary, it's just that for me personally; I'm beginning to look into the mirror and feel as though Keith Richards is staring back at me. 

I've never been one of those girls to have a massive beauty routine.  The entire notion of it bored the life out of me and made me feel like some ridiculous self absorbed princess.  I am in no way trying to turn back the hands of time and look 20 something again.  I had my time, and I lived the width and breadth of it without any regrets.  I am happy to embrace my path towards some form of maturity in all it's glory, I would simply like to do so without red, inflamed, itchy pockmarked skin.  So today, I sit with a freshly activated charcoal washed face, a clay mask now drying upon said face, and a glop of salicylic and glycolic acids waiting in the wings in the efforts and hope that my face will purge all of the ick and just calm the fuck down! 

Here's to the ageing process and seeing what I can do next!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Mid-Life Mom?

Someone told me I was a midlife mom today.  I'm not exactly sure what that means or what they meant by it, but it sounds even less appealing than being called a milf.  Then again I am completely stumped over all of this "midlife stuff" anyhow.  Sure I fully realize that I am in my mid 40's and rounding that corner to fabulous 50's, but everytime I hear someone mention "midlife" it always sounds so negative.  Why do we fight against aging with such ferocity?  We're so arrogant.  So afraid of aging, that we do everything we can to prevent it.  When will we accept that growing up and older into our authentic selves, with or without someone is a privilege afforded to so few that it's something to be cherished not feared?  Let's face it, even if we are all alone, we're all together in that too.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

But They're Pink!

Not these one's thank the gods old and new.  These are the Saucony road runners, and they are like slippers with speed.  Yet low and behold I had to buy new runners, and buying just one pair with my dancers feet is not even an option.  You see when you have feet like mine you tend to go through shoes, even the expensive ones fast.  So I hunt for sales and something that isn't fucking pink!

It's always interesting buying new shoes.  At least it is for me with my way ugly dancers feet.  My toes go into a point my bunions are massive and not going anywhere ever.  So when I step on the foot sizing contraption the look upon the poor salesman's (in this case) faces is humourous.  My feet thanks to years of foot binding torture in pointe shoes has ensured that the "one size fits all" approach is not even an option.  So assuming that a B width shoe will work will have me rolling my eyes and shaking my head.  The salesman in this case was pretty good.  He didn't recoil in horror or abject fear.  As has been known to happen in the past.  Seriously.

To his credit he looked me in the eye and said, "you've got the widest feet I've ever fitted.  I imagine wearing heels would be excruciatingly painful for you."  Ahh a young man with a brain!  I liked him already.  "Yes, I can say without any preamble that high heels are a death sentence for me in 99.9% of the cases.  I have to wear something that is actually tailor made for my feet."  When he nodded and added, "any man that asks you to wear heels should be shot if he isn't paying to have them made for you then" I almost threw him to the ground and rode him like a pony.  Alas I maintained a sense of decorum and remembered that he looked to be about 24 at best.  More's the pity for me.

He and I went over what it was that I required in a shoe and discussed the best options with the best price points.  Noting that I had to buy two pairs to ensure I got through the month, he pulled out all the sale items for me, bless his heart.  (Oh that statement...)    Anyhow, we found two of my favourite brands and went with those that would give me the most flexibility around my super wide feet, yet amazingly narrow heel.  Steve brought me out the Saucony's which felt like butter (insert yiddish voiceover right there) and a pair of Asics that had me eyeing him a tad wearily.  "Steve darling, do I look like a woman that wears pink?"  I guffawed at him.  His resounding chuckle and bally's "oh sit your butt down and just try them on for me," was impressive.  Steve had chutzpah.  I like that.

Steve was also right.  Something I like and loathe.  So there I was with a pair of purple and PINK Asics on my feet and quite pleased with them.  Kudo's Steve, until we meet again.  xo The no longer barefoot ballerina.