Monday, April 24, 2017

Time Marches On

Time does indeed march on and as you age, as I am; you will find it's marching with an entire troupe across your face.  My once resilient and impossibly youthful skin has begun to remind me that while I may feel ageless most days, it is requiring some extra care.  Between age and work environment, which in my case is quite a harsh environment my face is freaking the hell out to put it mildly.  Never before have I had to deal with this many breakouts and tenderness from my skin.  About a week ago they moved around a fair amount of stuff at work, thus sending my already irritated skin into a tailspin of "fuck you all, I'm going to turn red, rashy, and hurt like a mother fucker" began. 

I had breakouts as a teen, much the same way we all did when our youthful hormones kicked it up a notch and did their version of Stuart's, "Look what I can do!"  Yet this is completely new to me.  My youthful breakouts were nothing compared to this level of insanity.  For some of you, it will seem like hell; while to others still you'll Z-snap and say, "gurl, that ain't nothin!"  Of course each of our mileage will vary, it's just that for me personally; I'm beginning to look into the mirror and feel as though Keith Richards is staring back at me. 

I've never been one of those girls to have a massive beauty routine.  The entire notion of it bored the life out of me and made me feel like some ridiculous self absorbed princess.  I am in no way trying to turn back the hands of time and look 20 something again.  I had my time, and I lived the width and breadth of it without any regrets.  I am happy to embrace my path towards some form of maturity in all it's glory, I would simply like to do so without red, inflamed, itchy pockmarked skin.  So today, I sit with a freshly activated charcoal washed face, a clay mask now drying upon said face, and a glop of salicylic and glycolic acids waiting in the wings in the efforts and hope that my face will purge all of the ick and just calm the fuck down! 

Here's to the ageing process and seeing what I can do next!

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