Saturday, April 22, 2017

But They're Pink!

Not these one's thank the gods old and new.  These are the Saucony road runners, and they are like slippers with speed.  Yet low and behold I had to buy new runners, and buying just one pair with my dancers feet is not even an option.  You see when you have feet like mine you tend to go through shoes, even the expensive ones fast.  So I hunt for sales and something that isn't fucking pink!

It's always interesting buying new shoes.  At least it is for me with my way ugly dancers feet.  My toes go into a point my bunions are massive and not going anywhere ever.  So when I step on the foot sizing contraption the look upon the poor salesman's (in this case) faces is humourous.  My feet thanks to years of foot binding torture in pointe shoes has ensured that the "one size fits all" approach is not even an option.  So assuming that a B width shoe will work will have me rolling my eyes and shaking my head.  The salesman in this case was pretty good.  He didn't recoil in horror or abject fear.  As has been known to happen in the past.  Seriously.

To his credit he looked me in the eye and said, "you've got the widest feet I've ever fitted.  I imagine wearing heels would be excruciatingly painful for you."  Ahh a young man with a brain!  I liked him already.  "Yes, I can say without any preamble that high heels are a death sentence for me in 99.9% of the cases.  I have to wear something that is actually tailor made for my feet."  When he nodded and added, "any man that asks you to wear heels should be shot if he isn't paying to have them made for you then" I almost threw him to the ground and rode him like a pony.  Alas I maintained a sense of decorum and remembered that he looked to be about 24 at best.  More's the pity for me.

He and I went over what it was that I required in a shoe and discussed the best options with the best price points.  Noting that I had to buy two pairs to ensure I got through the month, he pulled out all the sale items for me, bless his heart.  (Oh that statement...)    Anyhow, we found two of my favourite brands and went with those that would give me the most flexibility around my super wide feet, yet amazingly narrow heel.  Steve brought me out the Saucony's which felt like butter (insert yiddish voiceover right there) and a pair of Asics that had me eyeing him a tad wearily.  "Steve darling, do I look like a woman that wears pink?"  I guffawed at him.  His resounding chuckle and bally's "oh sit your butt down and just try them on for me," was impressive.  Steve had chutzpah.  I like that.

Steve was also right.  Something I like and loathe.  So there I was with a pair of purple and PINK Asics on my feet and quite pleased with them.  Kudo's Steve, until we meet again.  xo The no longer barefoot ballerina.

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