Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Spring to Life

I've never understood peoples aversion to the arts.  The arts in all it's various forms, both reminds and shows me a view of the world that's passionate, brighter and darker, more vibrant.  I refuse to allow others to diminish that view.  There was a time in my life where happiness, passion, and hope were the things of dreams.  I do not want to go back to a world without that light.  I want this feeling to last forever.

I want to leave something more than impressive birthday and holiday cards to remember me by.  There is so much beauty in the world.  And that's all that matters.  Inspiration.  Passion.  Love.  The heart wants what it wants.  Who are we to deny it?  Apparently, that old mix CD I listened to was a gateway drug.  I'm going to need a more substantial fix.  It's part of the reason I am so madly in love with The Pirate.  He's openly passionate, and hasn't an issue expressing that I am someone he's passionate about.  I don't have to beg for his attention. 

The passionate mind however, can be selfish.  It's so focused on what it desires, reason becomes background noise.  I have never been one to mince words with what I want.  I've never expected my partner to be a mind reader, thus I've been known to state "I want you, now."  I hear so many others wandering around in a fog of indecision and lackluster lives.  There are many nights they could have been with the one that they desire.  However they chose to stay home, partake in things that require no connecting with others.  Days they could have spent sucking the marrow out of life, instead of wasting time building a résumé for a life they'll never have. 

There were parts of me that were dead for so long.  I am eternally grateful that I now have a partner who inspires me to always allow my passions to not just spring to life, but to be celebrated.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Integrity and your word is everything.  One of those stories I haven't forgotten.  The first strike is always a learning curve but only a fool makes the same mistake twice.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Raise Your Bar

Always walk above the crowd.  Never settle for a life you know you can live better than and never settle for just anyone.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Impact and Influence

I rarely if ever say things out of courtesy.  If I don’t mean it, I don’t say it.  There has to be passion, integrity and meaning in everything you express and articulate.  Life is short let your words count, impact and influence.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


I spent months, years even; bemoaning all that was taken from me.  It never occurred to me that I'd have something to give.  A way to contribute.  A reason for being not...dead.

To sleep, perchance to not dream.  All I needed was some hope that there's a future that I fit into somehow.  At last. 

Sweet blissful sleep.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I’m old school loyalty over royalty. Your as strong as the foundation of the company you keep; trust. No one at the top gets there solo it’s through collaboration and leverage.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Don’t Settle

Don’t fall for the game because I can show you how it’s played, don’t come in it for the clout because I’m the farthest thing from a saint.  I’m good when I’m good but I can do bad all by myself.  They used to say Firefly you’ll be forever single, I always responded with “by choice but not by default.”   I happened to be lucky enough to finally meet someone who understands that and subscribes to the same ideals.  Neither of us will settle for ridiculous childlike behaviour, we’re adults and will deal with it like adults.

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Growth Process

Never forget where you come and the experiences that have shaped your capacity to understand life as you know it.  Celebrate the success, learn from the failures and foster better habits to promote self growth.  Surround yourself with people that support your initiatives, aren’t afraid to contest your ideologies and remain loyal in times of adversity.  No one becomes successful by themselves, it’s through collaboration and support of the counsel you keep.  Always stay true to yourself because it’s your character that makes you worth knowing and its your integrity that will make you respected.