Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Candles Burning Bright

So we have new neighbours, Dick and Jane we shall call them. They stared at me like I was the crazy neighbour they will one day blog about.  Which we all know may have some truth to, if I am to be honest.  They stood by there back sliding door with looks of bewilderment upon their faces when I took my adorable Monster out for his backyard session.  To be fair he is tiny and it was dark so they, I am certain didn't see anything but some strange woman standing in the backyard with a flashlight seemingly searching for nothing whilst talking to herself.

I was hoping when I took my land shark, Mako out that they wouldn't be standing around staring as Mako can be difficult with new people. (more on that later)  I got my wish, and so much more.  Dick and Jane were certainly not standing and staring at anyone.  All of the lights in the house were off, except those brightly burning candles in the bedroom if all indications are to be held as true.  It was exceptionally dark and I did my best to keep Mako quiet as it was around the midnight hour and most were sleeping.  I do try to be a respectful neighbour.

This evening however, I couldn't help myself.  I yelled hello to Dick and Jane as there bedroom window was open and they were clearly wide awake.  I, being a good neighbour offered them curtains.  Curtains, like fences are good!  Always leave room in your budget for curtains!  However I believe Dick was too busy learning to snorkel while Jane repeated, often, and loudly explicit directions to be ready for our midnight  meet and greet.

Mako didn't growl at them so I see it as a win.

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