Saturday, December 30, 2017

A year end review...another long winded brain barfing a la carte

The more things change, the more they stay the same; or is it united we stand divided we fall? I have concern that we may land on the wrong side of the former quote if we are not careful. Maybe this year it has been a little of it all. Our sanity breaks stemming from LOLz Cats and heroic stories from those who rescue everything from coral to wildlife; that is for those who've not completely given up and ensconced themselves in the neutrality of internet porn and 4Chan or trying to keep up with those baffling Kardashians. (which still might fall under the wide cast net of porn) Oh yes, lest I forget Beyonce had twins, I shaved my head, am still the nicest lesbian in York Region voted by cab drivers thank you for your faithful service Today's Taxi, and I officially became too old to show my knees in public; yet managed to completely embrace National Naked Gardening Day despite the rain and frigid temps. Thank the net gods that event was not and will not be televised.

We've clearly had our ups and down's, there are so many days when you can't imagine anything good will ever happen. I watch as my fellow countrymen and women both in Canada and The United States (for these days I find myself a woman without a true flag) bury themselves under a black fog of partisanship, self promotion, chosen ignorance, and what we've come to note as a brand of politics that is just plain mean. Hurricane Irma, the wild fires in California, Las Vegas, Charlottesville, Va., Sutherland Springs, Texas, and Nazi's marching with nary a care (thanks to a wink and nod from D.J.Trump) down the streets taught us new levels in the fear of loss and a return to racism and many other “isms” that my grandfather; rest his soul donned a uniform and pledged to protect us from. I do wonder what his take on all of this would be. I dare say he and I would have had some rather heated debates on it all. He was after all a Regan supporter, and a staunch Catholic. To be fair I worked in the voting polls for Obama and am a staunch tree hugging Pagan. We all have our crosses or trees it would seem.

2017 was the year Republicans took over the government, democrats and the news media obsessed endlessly over allegations with the 2016 elections. President Trump's incessant chatter about "fake news" has become a viral meme. A Toronto man (Adi Astl) taught us the value of just getting it done, cutting through the red tape of city counsel and building a staircase for $550 dollars and not the estimated $65,000 quote from city hall. I can only assume he bought his nails in bulk. We Canadians played our version of “Where's Waldo” and sure enough found Anton Pilipa, who had been missing since 2012; living in the Amazon. Many celebrated 150 years in the square, and some in a very large Tepee, leading to communication on why not everyone cheered the progress of the last 150 years understandably. And we had some long overdue apologies to our indigenous peoples, with a greater understanding that we must do our best to help heal old wounds from the horrors we as Canadians have allowed to be ignored.

The message to end bullying in all its forms became far more prevalent. It not only brought us celebrities like Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato, Allison Janney, Ellen, Pink, Pitbull, Nick Cannon, Metallica and Maclemore just to name a few to stand with those feeling utterly alone, but allies in the most uncommon of folks as well. Xander Rose of Nova Scotia found support when his family grew 100 fold to include 100's of bikers escorting him all the way to his middle school doors and proving that loud pipes really can save lives. Even in the face of bullying and racism. Maybe just maybe if politics brings out the worst in people, people can and do bring out the best.

Wherein we often see women bring other women down, it does seem to be a year of “Women supporting women” from notables like Kortney Olson of GRRRL clothing, and my sisters in the Grrrl Army who inspire me daily. Much like my fellow animal advocates and rescuers who regardless as to the daunting task before them, and the misinformation touted by others continue to, as Rebecca Cory would say “Be their voice”.
It was also the year my son stood where his grandfather had stood. Honouring the dead, along a beach, hillside, ridge, and monument covered in boots and poppies, a testament and reminder to us all that we as a country are not only “the peacekeepers” be we indeed stood up as warriors defending those who had no legs, gave a voice to the voiceless, and maintain no matter the odds never backing down to the evil within the hearts of men whom try to do us and others great harm. I cannot yet put into words the emotions that evokes for me, suffice to say it is powerful.

Just as powerful for me was my ability to do my part in helping other's who simply needed a chance. ;IGY6 (pause I've got your six) is now and will remain near and dear to me, and through some of my work with our Battle Buddies I have come to know some amazing humans and Kelly is one that really moved me in her willingness to share her daily life with PTSD and just what that looks like. When some of the more difficult moments of the year hit home for me it was people like her and my ex and still best friend Les's, open letter of apology to those citizens he polices and across North America who had become openly and with reason distrustful of those in service to protect them. Reminding me if not us all that hero's don't have to wear capes, some just wake up every day and truly care.

2017 for me personally was a year of growth, and breaks (yes Mattea my bones do ache), getting lost, getting found, getting woke further, and finding a balance between my adoration of all things nature and love of all things technological. Bridging a gap between the two and finding connection within. “The circle of my steel” both expanded and yet closed in it's ranks. There is a feeling, an urgency if you will of needing one another more. In actually connecting with others both face to face and online. A merging of compassion's and a demand to hold and be held accountable. When I wasn't able to travel I relished in the adventures of John and Mist, and love their reminders that adventures big or small are always best when done with a glad heart and a positive attitude. Next to Jayne and Mark, Mist and John are the people I greatly admire for their compassion, and who are just good people. Who knew a love of reptiles would bring such outstanding souls into my life. Of course John would be completely dismayed should I not note that he is a manly sort of man with great looks and a working tool box...Mistelle stop spitting tea on the screen and laughing you hot momma.

So to close this year I was also able to see my brother Michael find his inner smile and his outer calm, he will never know how deeply loved and appreciated he is just just for being himself. I reconnected with my sister Darla, and got to acknowledge how damn grown our 'children' are. Plus I became a glamma to the most adorable grandpuppy named Roman, and continue to have the distinct privileged of seeing my daughter grow in her inner strength and her outward confidence. What more could I possibly want than to look back over the year and see that my children, their siblings (my other kids), and those that I love be happy?

Regardless as to the political climate, and the fallout that has occurred within and without our borders it is my fondest wish that you can look back over your year and smile knowing that you are loved.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Fire Below

Some days it all goes right. Timing is perfect, numbers climb with ease, and everyone crossing your path has something nice to say. Those days are fantastic. 

Today everything that could go wrong kind of did. Murphy and his entire book of laws sidled up to me and made me his bitch. Still I was sure we could salvage our numbers and just hold our heads high. Now I’ll let you in on a little secret ...”there is such a thing as too much focus”. 

550 pieces, 2 weld cells, 3 robots, 4 tricky light curtains, can have me really hauling ass and doing my best to ensure the paperwork doesn’t look like marauders rode through and beat the living daylights out of the place. Especially when there are less than 8 of us in the entire plant trying to keep things going while everyone else is off until the New year. 

I was so hyper focused on making numbers that the look of... utter bafflement and shock upon my face sent my future ex-husband Jordan into fits of laughter as he calmly said, “umm sweetie, the back of your cell is on fire.” 😳 “So that’s why this cell smells like eggnog!” Was my surprised response that now sent Jordan into peels for laughter as he let loose with the fire extinguisher. 

Fire suppressed rather quickly with the two of us attacking it, all the while I grumbled “big factory filled with metal and concrete and I have to be the one to set shit on fire... fml” Jordan for the most part tried to stifle his laughter as we sprayed and stomped the fire to a slow and tedious death. 

When we cleared it all and I was ready to get the damn cell back up and running we surveyed the debris and low and behold my part in the fire was completely secondary as the maintenance man was the culprit. The little bitch didn’t want to get dirty so he laid cardboard down on the floor to lay upon. 

That was our ignition point for the flames, his tool kit and grease covered rags just helped everything along nicely. Jordan who as luck would have it was doing some suspension work above me and from his gear as he hung from the ceiling noticed the flames. 

So thanks to my future ex-husband for saving my life. 😋 next time let me finish my work first!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

There is help a text away

Let the word spread, let the people know, there is always somewhere they can turn.

Did you know that if you text 741741 when you are feeling depressed or suicidal, a crisis worker will text you back immediately and continue to text with you?  Many people, especially younger folks, do not like talking on the phone and would be more comfortable texting. 

It's a free service to ANYONE

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Lugz and Christian Dior Lipstick

So way back in the 90s I had this kid. Where my daughter Tea is my soul rendered visual, GQ is my heart that beats outside of my body. He was and still is one of my biggest touchstones, challenges, and honesty gauges. Thankfully I have children who will call me out on my shit faster than anyone. I raised them to be outspoken, free thinking, society changing little peeps... and doesn’t it friggin piss me off when they do it. 🙈😆. So this awesome highly active kid enters my life and can crawl faster than most people walk, was riding a 2 wheeler by 3yrs old and rarely sat still. Enter timberlands, lugs, baby steel toes just to slow this little lovable shit down! (Not thinking ahead to when they came off at how much faster he’d be🙄) so big bucks spent on the boots, even bigger bucks spent on at the tube of Christian Dior lipstick that was so purple and gorgeous and like a weeks worth of plasma donating to afford... 🖕🏼. So I go and do the dishes only to notice The Quiet... panic, fear, then omfg what have you done dismay and a phone call to his awesome dad with the teary begging of “if you don’t come get him I’m taking him out and we can just try again...” kind of faulty logic. There my son sat using my beautiful tube of brand new very expensive lipstick to completely colour one of his Lugz a stunning shade of rich purple. In that moment I was certain I understood why lions eat their young. Thankfully he still lives and is awesome AF but yeah when he has kids... oh man pure jokes coming his way. 👍🏼😈

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Catching Lightening

What does "mainstream" mean to you? 

Over the years mainstream to me has come to mean sweet fuck all.  Mainstream or often time social norms, has given us a culture of permissiveness to all the "isims" and negativity that has feminists and out of the box thinkers shouting louder than Susan Powder "stop the insanity!"  Mainstream thinking would have us believe that rape culture is the norm and ok.  That women are still best when married with children, and far too emotional than men. 

Mainstream has young girls believing that numbers are important; and yes they are if you are an economist, a mathematician, a scientist, or any of the other jobs that require an acute attention to numbers.  However mainstream isn't focusing on those things are they?  No they are focusing on the size of our breasts, waists, age, and height to weight ratio.  Mainstream has us focusing on having the perfect beach body, and so many other harmful stereotypes. 

There are so many more glass ceilings to break through, chains to break, minds to expand, and souls to set a blaze with a passion for so much more than what is to be accepted as the norm.  My visions of life at 50 and beyond has nothing to do with slowing down, finding a cozy sweater, or of thinking about retirement.  I've always said that I haven't a problem settling down, its the settling that I will continue to push back against.  As though because of my age I must slow down and just accept that this is how it is and is going to be. 

Fuck that!

I have zero fucks for societal norms and the expectations that those whom follow mainstream thoughts hold for me.  Mature women are far better at catching lightening then men are.  We can adapt faster and understand the value of catch and release like few others.  Our value does not decline as we age.  Our power grows exponentially with each year and every new experience. 

We don't often see that, and it's merely because it's not part of the social norm.  There are those of us whom are changing that.  We are pushing back against what is expected of us and showing other's that what we expect of ourselves is of far greater importance and value.  We are changing the game, changing the narrative, and changing what the face of maturity looks like.  We are walking, lifting, and powering our way through those barriers both in and outside of the gym. 

Each of us has the ability to change the minds, hearts, and thought process of not only ourselves but those around us.  We are a GRRRL ARMY and we will not be stopped by anyone.  We are mothers, sisters, grandmothers, friends, lovers, and we will not stand by silently as has been so often the expectation.  We will not allow our worth to be defined by our size or our age.  She is not my competition, she is my equal even in all of our beautiful, powerful differences.
KO Founder of GRRRL Clothing

Monday, December 25, 2017

Home For the Holidays

Wherever you may be, may you be healthy, happy, and whole.  May you on this day of giving now that you are a gift onto yourself and you are loved.  Be safe, be warm, and even though I cannot be with you physically, I am always with you in spirit.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Oil Lamps and Memories

Shine on, there’ll always be a little light. ❤️ I love you to the moon and back...

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Thought vs. Action

As the old saying goes... there is no shame or dishonour in stating that a dead man is in fact dead.

You can (ok I can rarely) be politically correct and still have others jump up and down completely shocked that you dared to say whatever it is you said.  The older I get the more I realize that there are a great many whom have a huge difficulty understanding the difference between thought and action.  I can say “there is no greater love than that of being a parent, there is also no greater urge to drown the little suckers in a rain barrel.”  All people see is a horrific mother whom hates her children.  They would of course be vastly wrong.

People want neat, tidy, often desired wrapped in pretty paper topped with a bow.  Life’s messy, human emotions... well those are ten times as messy with heaps of twisted neurons topped with a half eaten sour gummy bear.

Friday, December 22, 2017

In The Next 4 to 8 weeks...

According to the SPCA and Humane Society, in the next 4-8 weeks, you'll all be seeing the "We need to re-home our pet..." posts. These are the people who went ahead and purchased puppies & kittens as Christmas gifts who are suddenly allergic, moving, having a baby, don't have time, their kids won't take care of it, didn't think they'd get so big, blah, blah, blah. Problem is, almost 90% of unwanted pets, sadly end up in kill shelters.

Allow me to break it down for you.

You didn't know you had an allergy? Oops. Don't let the pet suffer, buy some allergy medicine, if you love your pet, it's absolutely worth a shot.

You're moving? What city are you moving to that doesn't allow dogs? Bullshitville? You have a responsibility to your living, breathing family member to plan ahead to find a house, apartment or condo that will ALLOW your family member. Period.

Oh, you had no idea you were due to have a baby in 2 months? Interesting. Get a dog trainer if you're housing a breed you fear might become an issue. It's also worth a shot.

Don't have time for ONE 15 minute walk, or to have a dog just sit next to you while you're home? Really? So they're better off in a shelter than waiting in your house for you to get home? Ok, perhaps get another pet to keep them company or look for a local dog-sitter.

Oh, you mean your 5 year old didn't step up to the plate to feed, walk and scoop poop? And this surprised you? I guess it's time for YOU to step up and model responsibility for your child.

Wrong size? Not cute as an adult? Not quite the personality you expected? Look in a mirror, how did you turn out? Should we send you back? 😡 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thank you Satan

Thank you Satan for my hellhounds and all of the unique creatures that I've come to care for.  They are perfect just as they are.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Play your part well...

Yes, life is a play, and only some can be good playwrights, dramaturges holding the power to change the way the story ends.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

You do you and I'll do me

It's certainly not my choice in clothing, but then again stirrup pants, and crocks have me feeling the same way. Still not my business to tell someone else what to wear. (Though crocks make you look like a schlub, and if you put those little 'snap in things on them for decoration...barf) Still not my place to say what someone else should or shouldn't wear. Personally I'm naked as the day I was born and that might bother more people than those pants.  

Monday, December 18, 2017

Be Contrary

Never should any of us be silent spectators of unfairness, chosen ignorance, and cruelty.  For if good men and women do nothing tis evil enough.  Our graves will allow us all the time in the world for silence, while we live we should always dare to question and challenge not only others but ourselves when behaviour is unwarranted or foolish.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Constructive criticism is your friend

"The millennial generation does not like being wrong.  They are unaccustomed to it.  Their education – a unique blend of No Child Left behind, helicopter parenting, and oppression olympics, has made them uncomfortable with socratic criticism."

 -Stephen T. Asma

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Swipe Left?

It's time to get your head out of the clouds and your legs in the air!  This consequently is the motto of 90% of the men on dating sites.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Single by choice

"How would you like to live under my skirt?"  

Things we think but never say or act upon is as vast as the space above us.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

You're My Team

There's an old saying: "Those who speak, don't know; and those who know, don't speak."

I don't know if that's true or not, but I know that by and large the gossip mongers doesn't care who really knows what as long as they've got a quote.  Even if it's not a direct quote.  Just something they can make seem important and makes it look like they're in the know. 

For those that I've worked with on a variety of issues to the teams I've played on, I tell each of them the same thing.  There is a huge importance on being a cohesive unit, and not speaking ill of those on our team.  Should issues arise, we speak to one another not outsiders. 

We're a group.  We're a team.  From the CEO and captains to team leads on through, we're a team...We win together, we lose together, we celebrate and we mourn together.  And defeats are softened and victories sweetened because we did them together...And if you don't like this team... then, there's the door...

It's great to be in the know.  It's great to have the scoop, to have the skinny, to be able to share inside information with another, or to vent when you have a frustration.  However should you take that information to be cruel or just to say, "I know something you don't know about so and so..." leaving the gossip mongers to become your fans and you sell out the team... You create an environment of mistrust and prejudice, and it'll be embarrassing to me and embarrassing to the team.  It will place stress upon the person you've gossiped about, and it will piss me off.  I won't huff and puff.  I won't take anyone's head off.  I simply say this: you're my guys.  And I'm yours... and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, so do not let me down.