Friday, December 29, 2017

Fire Below

Some days it all goes right. Timing is perfect, numbers climb with ease, and everyone crossing your path has something nice to say. Those days are fantastic. 

Today everything that could go wrong kind of did. Murphy and his entire book of laws sidled up to me and made me his bitch. Still I was sure we could salvage our numbers and just hold our heads high. Now I’ll let you in on a little secret ...”there is such a thing as too much focus”. 

550 pieces, 2 weld cells, 3 robots, 4 tricky light curtains, can have me really hauling ass and doing my best to ensure the paperwork doesn’t look like marauders rode through and beat the living daylights out of the place. Especially when there are less than 8 of us in the entire plant trying to keep things going while everyone else is off until the New year. 

I was so hyper focused on making numbers that the look of... utter bafflement and shock upon my face sent my future ex-husband Jordan into fits of laughter as he calmly said, “umm sweetie, the back of your cell is on fire.” ðŸ˜³ “So that’s why this cell smells like eggnog!” Was my surprised response that now sent Jordan into peels for laughter as he let loose with the fire extinguisher. 

Fire suppressed rather quickly with the two of us attacking it, all the while I grumbled “big factory filled with metal and concrete and I have to be the one to set shit on fire... fml” Jordan for the most part tried to stifle his laughter as we sprayed and stomped the fire to a slow and tedious death. 

When we cleared it all and I was ready to get the damn cell back up and running we surveyed the debris and low and behold my part in the fire was completely secondary as the maintenance man was the culprit. The little bitch didn’t want to get dirty so he laid cardboard down on the floor to lay upon. 

That was our ignition point for the flames, his tool kit and grease covered rags just helped everything along nicely. Jordan who as luck would have it was doing some suspension work above me and from his gear as he hung from the ceiling noticed the flames. 

So thanks to my future ex-husband for saving my life. ðŸ˜‹ next time let me finish my work first!

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