Saturday, June 15, 2019

Adulting The Adults

Taking care of children they say, "can be the most difficult and rewarding experience you'll ever face."  I know this to be true as a parent, however they are only half right.  It can indeed be difficult, and yes it is rewarding!  Nothing is more rewarding than seeing one of your children succeed in the lessons you've taught them and in turn put said lesson into practice.  However, parenting children is by far, to my mind, easier than having to adult over other adults.

Adulting other adults, especially when those grown rascals have decided to engage "difficulty mode: to level 9" surpasses challenging.  Not only does it surpass it, but it then delves headlong into a battle of wits and moves so sly if you were any better they'd slap a tail on you and call you foxy!  Adulting inebriated adults, well that comes with a range of emotions and skill levels.  Humourous, annoying, tiresome, vexing, confounding, and down right fucked up.  Being the voice of reason in these situations, when you appear to be the only one with your wits about you, takes courage, nerves of steel, and a firm grip on your own sanity.  It will all be tested.

Add fire, bright ideas, and stubbornness....

Well now you're just going to need rope.  Whether you opt to use it on them, or yourself; that is an answer only you can decide.  Just remember, you are not alone.  Emergency rooms across the globe are filled with the morons we love; even tenuously in these moments with those adults who chose to utter, "hold my beer."  You can spot them quite easily; they are the adults with at least one other adult sitting next to them with a mixture of resting bitch face and a concerned look laced with murderous intent. 

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