Sunday, September 6, 2020

Long Weekend Excitement

That's right there's excitement a foot, not quite a shindig but just maybe a touch of hoot with a wee bit of nanny.   My bra is off, tea is made, and I don't have to see that building until Tuesday morning.  Sweet deal huh?  It's not that I hate my job, I don't really.  I just you know, hate not being independently wealthy.  Well that and when I pull into the parking lot and see the large factory standing in all it's glory... not on fire... I weep a little on the inside.

So here I am enjoying a long weekend, pretty much naked and ordering stuff online.  This is the high life baby.  Might not even wear shoes tomorrow.  Cause with all this almost naked sex appeal just dancing around me like a living flame; who needs shoes!  The Pirate for his part is dressed and looking as ruggedly handsome as ever.  To this point I would have sworn that there is little mystery between us and yet today I found that to be untrue.

My ruggedly handsome and very adult man, says yabba dabba do when he sneezes.  I'm not sure if he's taken to speaking in tongues or if he's just got some sort of aneurysm that I've been unaware of.  I may have to head out to webMD to diagnose him.  Though I figure if he makes it through the night, it's probably just a mild case of Hanna BarBera possession. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Your Bass Speakers...

..are AMAZING!

However your car is in total shambles.  This of course might have something to do with the fact that your bass being played at such heavy volumes is slowing causing your lovely little jalopy to fall apart.  I particularly enjoy the deep thrumming of your bass at 3:00 AM accompanied by the extra loud reverberating sounds of your muffler right before you attempt a burn out down the street.  I cannot for the life of me think of a better manner in which to start my day.

However maybe we could change it up a just a wee bit?  Let's for giggles and shites have you not do burnouts down the street at any hour, and in return I'll not soap your windows any more.  In my defence it is a lovely organic lard based handcrafted soap.  I am sure those windows will just shine like the top of the chrysler building!

It's a hard knock life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Empower Yourself

It is perfectly acceptable to walk away from people that just want to use you, undermine and lie to you.  It takes a very strong independent person with strong morals to say this is not ok.  You are in charge of your life, what you allow is exactly what will continue.  A very wise person told me quite bluntly “ Never say sorry if you don’t mean it, never give anyone your power”.

If we could all reach a place of power where our past, or people with toxic intentions no longer affect us negatively.  Being able to examine it all with a critical eye.  Like a beach ball of emotions that has been thrown and landed at our feet, the choice is always ours as to whether or not we pick it up or just step around it.