Sunday, March 5, 2023


It never fails to amaze me how many women feel that a woman’s only purpose is to procreate.  We are in an era of woman truly understanding and fighting for their rightful seat’s at the proverbial table, all while also embracing that we are not baby factories to be bred and be used like livestock.

We have grown accustomed to the moronic men whom believe that none-sense; but to hear the same rhetoric come out of other women’s mouths is truly sad.  How are we ever going to fully advance and beat back the patriarchy while other women are our own worst enemy?  We’ve seen the insanity at the voting booths, we’ve seen it online, and we’ve seen it within our own families.  What do the patriarchy loving women really gain from the men they cower too?  I’m honestly not seeing the benefit to their actions.

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