Monday, February 29, 2016

487 Days

"A delicious night to be alive," came the softly spoken words. The dance complete, the steps lost to memory, lingering cologne on pillows, and dreams of tomorrow. It all burns so bright before gradually fading to a wistful longing. Grown men have turned away shielding their gaze from the raw emotion before them, and still...we remain.

Longing for more.

Sunday, February 28, 2016


You cannot lead me to the forbidden places, that I don't want to go. You simply cannot tempt me.
I will always be able to say no. Just turn that corner and walk away. I'll follow my own path. What's meant to be, will always be. There is no need to rush. In the dark I'll find you once more. but right now you mustn't touch.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


The sun's about to rise over you, so many miles away. I've been up all night drawing from life in huge gasps calling your name.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Sinks and islands filled. Highlights of friendship and laughter that glisten like stars in the sky. All unique, all small strands in the intricate and beautiful tapestry that forms life. We dance, along that fine line of moderation and ultimate hedonistic pleasure.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Free Fall With Me

Things I may not say directly to you, whispered in moments of grace and awe. Revealed between the unclear lines. You worry needlessly, hold on too tightly when all you need do is let yourself go. Free Fall with me, dance along the edge and space between time. Become  the my poems, prose and lyrical existence. Second guess nothing, embrace what you already know.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Kingdom of Neverwhere....

Enter my kingdom; Enchantingly wild but a bit cultivated, castles and mansions with many rooms sit atop green hills and hide between clefts of mountains. Crystalline streams and icy waterfalls leap and play, tossing mists and rainbow sparkles in the clean, cool air. Carpets of wildflowers, honeysuckle and wild berries riot over the meadows and low stone fences wander the hillsides.

And what goes on in this kingdom? What takes place in the mysterious mansions, awe-inspiring castles and charming cottages? Every sort of wonder, desire, foolish, depraved, excessive, and decadent wonder that may catch one's fancy. What might you catch me doing on a mid summer's eve in the fast fading twilight of a sun streaked day? Why, I could be between two trees, glistening with sweat, the remains of a light dress nestled at my feet engrossed within the pages of some old tome.....or perhaps one would stumble upon a shamelessly wanton lass passionately lost in all the nuances of hedonistic pleasure.

My world, My rules.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Less Important than You Think

Delusional, disproportionate, funny, sometimes quite sad, and  really far less important than you seem to think. I've never been impressed by a penis.  They may be different colours and sizes, and yes sometimes slight shape differences; but f you've seen one, you really have seen them all.  Yes I feel the same way about breasts too. Unless they're somehow horribly disfigured. in which case, I am sorry for your perceived pain.

This is what I've learnt, over the years. Guys are the ones who care about giant cocks.

Not women, guys.

Especially the straight ones. If I had a dollar for every picture of a penis I was sent with the askance of, "do you like it?" Oh the dog rescue site I would have! Maybe I should charge to rate penises? Too subjective perhaps. I certainly know what I like, and I know my silly prejudices attached to what I've coined as "Holy flying penises" to label the vast amount of dick pics hitting my inbox and just as rapidly hitting my trash bin.

I find sensuality, intelligence, wit, charm, kindness, and confidence sexy. The ability to hold an actual conversation; priceless. My first thought when a dick pic hits my inbox is, "so his dick is his whole world." As such he must be shallow, insecure, needy, and have mommy issues up the ass. Who has time for that? This might be an unfair amount of judgement, I however will stand by it. Experience is a fantastic teacher.

I understand porn's fascination with giant members because it's a visual medium and, let's face it, a dumb one. Giant cock is the quickest shorthand for virility. Big muscles = big strength, so why shouldn't big penis = tremendous power to satisfy? Men primarily, with the exception of some...loose women. Tend to be the ones who think a penis needs to be big to be satisfying. As stated, there are a few size queens out there, but as a rule women are way less picky about size as long as the owner of said penis learns to use it correctly. That's actually the heart of the problem - men assume that more penis automatically means more satisfaction, when in fact it has very little to do with it. I've known more than one woman who's been initially delighted to discover that she's with a larger man, only to realize to her disappointment that he thinks that all he has to do is be large.

I think the reason straight guys like enormous penises, apart from the whole bigger = better, more powerful and more potent thing, is that it's an easy answer the unanswerable question: what do women want? The real answer is too hard. Women want you to be independent but emotionally available. They want you to be attached but not smothering. They want time and attention, and also some time alone. They want you to grow and change with them. They want you to be all kinds of things, and it's going to be a different list for every woman, and that list is always subject to change without notice. For some men, and many of our regular porn addicts, I think, fall into this category, the answer is that women want you to change that glaring personality flaw and learn to talk to them like a human being. Maybe they want you to take a damned shower.


Friday, February 5, 2016

While you were wasting your time being productive ...

A mystery was solved for me this past week, thanks to TheFace.  I was forced to listen to Led Zeppelin in seventh grade. Yes it was all thanks to a boy. A boy I thought was super cute, hence the listening as though my young ears were not screaming out for it all to end. Since then, I have always been a little confused as to who this "back door man" character really is.

In my innocence, I thought it was just a man who had a home like mine. Where there was no walk way to the front door, thus he just had to enter in through the back. Yes it was cute how literal my mind was way back then. Then, as I grew older and became the sexually aware woman that I am today, I thought it was a euphemism for anal sex, or being gay.

Now, I know that a back door man is someone you're not supposed to sleep with. He has to sneak in. Through the back door. Literally. Or else he can't be considered a back door man. A bedroom window man, perhaps? A sneak away to a seedy motel man maybe, but before I digress into babble mode...

Which raises a few questions for me. I live in a basement apartment, my door is the back door. If I leave my door unlocked, would I get my very own back door man? If I put a sign on the front door reading,"Back door found in the back of the house", would I increase my chances of getting my own back door man? Should I leave out some milk and cookies? Or are all the enter in to my home, be they partners or not; by proxy backdoor men?

I think I need sleep.