Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dancing Backwards in Platform Sneakers

From today's mailbag:
Evan asks: "I've been lurking in the shadows of your blog for quite some time now. I followed a link of yours here from that other site ;)  I know that you have quite a few tattoos and piercings.  Are there any tattoo's or piercings you regret getting, and do you have; or would you ever get a couples tattoo?"
Hello Evan,

   Welcome and thanks for the follow over.  Now as for my varied tattoo's and piercings. As you know I have many. I at one time had many more piercings, alas practicality required me to remove a few.  My tattoo's all mean something to me. None were done on a whim, although I have had some covered up with new/better done pieces. With that being said I don't actually regret any of my tattoo's or piercings. Each one was right for me in the moment and time I had them done.  My nose piercing which I no longer have is one I'd like to have redone but I've held off doing. I loved it, but apparently in my sleep  kept pulling the damn thing out and there are only so many times one can search the bedding and carpet for the missing stud before accepting it's a lost cause.

   Now as for couples tattoos. Well now that a mixed bag. I long to have a partner I can get the cutesy "couples tattoo" with, alas I've apparently not met the one I can do so with. I think that it's really a personal choice kind of thing. My only advice to anyone thinking of doing so s this: Don't do the name thing. I really can't stress this enough. Find an image, create an image that means something to you both and go with that. Even the best marriages and relationships can unrecoverable times. I certainly can't nor will I speak for others, but having to see an ex's name on my partner isn't a turn on. Plus I don't find it personal enough. I really like something far more symbolic and well thought out. That being said I do have a tattoo I got so very long ago that is representative of a relationship I had and meant and still means a great deal to me. No one looking at it would have any idea it's representative of another person, it only means something to he and I.

Choose something as unique to you as a snowflake is to the world.

I hope this helps :)


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