Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Even Dancing Ninja's Stumble

It's okay JLaw, I didn't even have the excuse of wearing a big flouncy dress.

Catlike super human ninja skills failed me last night as I came down the stairs. A coughing fit combined with an absence seizure, brought back the reality of my all to human qualities. My butt, back, shoulder, forearm, and legs met the edge of the hardwood stairs with equal and unsettling force. It was a fine moment of grace, beauty, and sheer willpower to stay conscious. Today I move rather slowly, and the excess padding upon my posterior lets me know that even excess padding cannot replace non slip soles. Or happenstance. Standing is a great option today. Not moving at all is a better option still.

Where's Sheldon to sing me "Soft kitty" when I need him?

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