Tuesday, March 8, 2016

In Love With Love

Interviewer: So what would you say is your biggest weakness?

Me: I am in love with the notion of being in love! As such, I romanticize people to the point that I put them on a pedestal that, while not impossible to act in accordance with, is not a realistic measure of that person’s moral or ethical inclinations. This romanticized view of the person before me tends to lead to a short, intense period of infatuation mistaken for love, which ends abruptly and painfully when this person does something that does not live up to the standards I've set in place not for them, but for the person I've constructed them to be in my head. Morals and standards that I hold very dear too. While this was once followed by a long period of self-doubt, self-hatred, and an unshakeable insecurity about all my other relationships. I have come to recognize the cycle and while at times I do everything I can to avoid it, other times I embrace its passionate whirlwind. Knowing and accepting that the reality of the situation will change and thus look for nothing more within the other than I myself am willing to give.

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