Thursday, February 8, 2018

My recipe for life

My recipe for life is just that mine, take of it what you will, and add all that is important to you as well.  Each ingredient can be used in moderation, or taken in large amounts, depending upon the desired effect you wish to obtain.  A recipe is only a guideline not a tablet etched in stone, and brings on a new meaning for each chief.   

So long as you approach your cooking with reckless abandon and know that with the sweet's the sour must follow for a ballance; you'll do just fine.

Ingredients : 
1 dream within your heart      
1 open mind   
1 open heart     
1 true blue friend     
Equal parts of sugar and spice to taste   
A dash of sour   
1 lover you'll never forget   
1 dare you'd really like to forget but can't     
A handful of embarrassing moments   
1 friend you can have at least 1 really good fight with   
1 friend you can have a really good debate with   
3 love letters from your youth that are tucked away, & that you can pull back out and giggle at.   
1 rosebush full of thorns   
1 recipe for a complete meal including desert     
1 table setting for 6 with 6 stemmed wine glasses   
1 home with dust on the table and a stain on the rug   
1 rule or standard you believe in with all your heart   
1 dollar in your wallet for emergency or  taxi call's   
10 minutes of alone time each and every day   
1 cup of tears per year

Season to taste and whenever possible add in heaps of laughter.

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