Sunday, July 21, 2019

Asking for a friend...

I cannot tell you how many times I read a post with the "asking for a friend" byline.  It more often than not involves asking for something cheap or free.  This is doubly so when it comes to find a pet.  No one wants to pay for a pet and everyone seems to want a puppy or kitten...

Does no one ever take into account that a pet is a life long commitment?  Do they also neglect to face the reality that training a new pup is endless hours of training and sleepless nights?  There is so much to consider when bringing a pet into the family well beyond the , "we need food and bowls.."

 1- Elderly people with puppies is a BAD idea. You know the same kind of reasoning behind you only having your young kids *visit* with grandma and grandpa because your very active kids tire the grandparents out! Well what the hell do you think a puppy will do?🤷🏽‍♀️

 2- Elderly dogs rock! They tend to be low maintenance, most know the whole poop and pee outside but hey accidents happen (right grandpa???) everyone deserves dignity and a soft place to lay they’re very much loved head.

 3- if you’re old as fuck with a young dog/puppy what happens to the dog when you can’t walk, or worse get put into a home because your family can’t take care of you? Ok and yeah what if you die? Seriously your family is going to put you in a home... or they don’t have time to walk, feed, clothe, bathe, or take you out to your appointments so why do you think they’d do it for your dog?

 Be realistic. Get a fish

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