Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Karmic Retribution

I have a dark sense of humor.  I am also a tad twisted in my sense of cosmic karma.  I can laugh and accept that there are days where the karma minivan is sitting in my driveway and every single passenger is in there flipping me the bird.  It doesn't actually upset me, I am fully aware that I like so many others; from time to time deserve it.  So being the snarky sassy-pants witchy woman I am, I couldn't help but point out to the horrifically bile filled racist old woman next door that karma had visited her.  She wasn't quite understanding, so I ever so helpfully pointed out that because she was such shit all her life her asshole had rotted out.  She growled at me under her breath and went back inside to change her colostomy bag. 

Yes.  I can be a relentless bitch.  But I am an honest bitch.

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