Thursday, July 25, 2019

I Sometimes Get Diarrhea Of The Brain

So yeah it’s been a hotlanta minute. Had a happy break and missing it already... I’m fairly disillusioned with humanity. Yes The Pirate and I had an actual conversation about me trying harder to care about people, or at least make an effort to try. In general I don’t. I see so many amazing humans that I actually want to see succeed and be happy and have goodness in their lives (which is why there are like less than 20 of you on my friends list or that I respond too. I see you and your compassion, your desire to do good. Thank you for that. ). The rest of humanity... I don’t hate. I honestly don’t feel anything for. Like your lives just don’t matter. I see your self entitled insanity and I just.... can’t. You lot are fucking exhausting.
So many amazing advancements In this world and none of them in the departments of humanity, compassion, betterment of the planet. We’re still trying to decide if racist behaviour, gender bias, human rights violations, homophobia, and animal cruelty are bad?
Seriously? It takes everything I am not to just stand and scream nonstop in an unending loop. We no longer know what is bad?
Ok morality is subjective. It is. No I don’t need your god or your advice. I need to continue allowing you to be you, me to be me; and if you try to hurt (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually) me, mine, or the environment and those beautiful creatures in it I’ll shift my focus to you... and you won’t like it.
Don’t ask my opinion if you can’t handle it. I will not nod and smile in the face of idiocy not even if your family. For if good men do nothing, ‘‘tis evil enough.
I remember coming into FB not to yell at Markzucker Zuckerberg about freeing the nipple and being so damn gender biased that I want to puke.
I remember coming online to connect and catch up with people I don’t get to see too often and this is way cheaper than that long distance phone call.
I never once needed to check with FB on how to properly supervise my very active children, or if I should or shouldn’t vaccinate them. Those calls were up to me and not to be discussed with anyone but my health care provider. I didn’t require a status check on if it was too hot for my dogs to be in a car or that I shouldn’t feed them onions or chocolate. I didn’t have to hear about how I should spend my money, time, or energy. Or what/who I should or shouldn’t put into my Body as the decision was mine alone.
Never once needed to creep someone else’s posts. If I wanted to know how they felt I asked them. Good, bad, indifferent. Didn’t matter because it was how they felt and at the end of the day they’re entirely entitled to their feelings in the moment they are felt.
Never needed to have to block someone. I told them we weren’t friends and that was it. We went our separate ways and lived our lives and didn’t put on wigs or pretend to have different names or addresses to slink around and see what one another was up too.
I didn’t require going to my instagram or FB DMs to see a penis or 10; or to receive a compliment. If you have to private message a compliment... even if that comment Is “wow you are stunningly beautiful “ so as not to offend someone’s partner ... there’s something wrong.
I can happily say Mark, Jayne , Mist , John , Jess , Josie, Eve, Gill , Joey , Janice , Alison , Teri you’re beautiful, handsome amazing people and not for a second have to private message such as they and my awesome husband Scottie understands that it’s a compliment. And there’s nothing wrong with a genuine compliment. I appreciate the positive energy and compassion these people put out into the universe. I love that during some of my negative moments these beautiful souls show me there is goodness and light still out there even if I can’t see it in that moment.
I’ve tightened my circle greatly. Placing my energy where it is best served. My dogs are both nuts and the new one might end up being hairless ... he’s a hot mess with more issues than there are clouds... you know because “free to good home” is never free. The cat is a complete asshole but she’s our asshole and we love her.
My son is still my heart that beats outside of my body and my daughter is still my soul rendered visual. My ex and his family are still/always amazing fantastic people whom I love with all my heart. You all aided me in bring these fantastic kids into the world and even after or breakup you all held a place for me in your lives. That speaks volumes.
I hope your Saturday is filled with laughter and light. I’m going to feed to dogs and enjoy my farting oaf stink up the bathroom as I shower. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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