Saturday, July 27, 2019

I Don't Post Well With Others

Things posted in the buy and sell:
Yep it’s pool season. Don’t be a twat and leave others to take care of your kids, it’s your job. Okay reminder for the stupid whom need reminding ... then again they probably shouldn’t have kids if they need that reminder. #truthhurts

 Second issue as I already posted on the original post... why is this listed in the buy and sell? The kid isn’t / shouldn’t be for sale (there are laws against that kinda thing) and there are no images of the pool so that can’t be for sale either.

 This might have been the “try to be more understanding/compassionate/kind” thing my husband was mentioning to me last night.

 I tried honey! But this shit just writes itself.

Now is this a sad event.  Of course it is.  99% of kids getting hurt is sad/scary for those that it effects.  I say effects as this does not affect me.  I do not know the child or family, he is okay, and noting about what happened to him changes anything in my life.  Does that make me cold and heartless?  That's up to individual opinion.  If what I post, think, or feel effects you intensely; you might want to look into that.

Of course people not embracing reality, realism, or having  a critical thinking brain got all kinds of mad.


As we can see the general consensus is that I am indeed a heartless, unfeeling bitch whom doesn't deserve to show my face. (Lest someone try and harm me as the implication stands.)  Once again these are opinions and I don't argue there validity.  What I did question is why such a thing is posted on a buy and sell page.  As it was posted on a buy and sell page with option to comment, I chose to comment.  Yes I take full responsibility in my choice to comment; knowing that most if not all would be angry.  I also chose to question the parents of the victim.  As the child is the victim not the adults here.

So let's all take a look at this on the whole of the original post.  A family and their kids are invited to a get together where there's a pool.  The pool is open to full use by those invited.  It is not stated if the home owners listed that kid caregiving is the sole responsibility of the parents, nor is it listed if there was a lifeguard on duty to monitor those in the pool. I can only assume from the original post wherein the mother states that the other adults in the pool, unlike she whom was not in the pool with her child, all must have thought he was playing as even she had when she looked in on him.  She also states that none of the other adults questioned his swimming abilities.

Now in the brief overview from a lengthy post, I see a number of issues with the parents decisions.  Not the child's or the other adults, and thus my taking issue and making a very dark humor joke about the post.  

1- Pool party/BBQ/Gathering of people.  Food, fun, possibly drinking.  You as the parent sit down to socialize, drink, eat, mind other children while neglecting to speak up or note to anyone in the pool that your kid cannot swim?  You also neglect to ask anyone in the pool if they can watch your child while you do XYZ... 

2- You now post all over FB that you just want to warn others to take care of their kind when around a pool.  (This is common knowledge as is your child being your responsibility.)  Those that are unaware of when they are supposed to take responsibility for their children, in my opinion should not have them in their care.

3- I take responsibility for what is mine to be responsible for.  Kids, dogs, cats, car, rent, work ethic, and yes the thoughts I choose to allow past my lips in a verbal display.  Unlike most others both those that posted, and those that commented I do not blame others for my own choices.  I am not sad, or angry at those whom chose to think horribly of me.  I am not seeing sympathy or even agreement.  I did hold others accountable for their choices, and therein lays the rub.  How dare I?  That's just cold and callous!   Personal accountability is a great and terrible thing.  Especially when someone else holds us to it.

These are just my thoughts.  Go have a few of your own. 


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