Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Love And Let Live

What I do in my house, you might not do in your house.

The truth of the matter is what people do behind closed doors is between them those four walls.  I embrace that if it is consensual, it's not my business.  Morality is subjective.  It took me a long time to accept that statement.  It is a truly hard pill to swallow when you allow ego to stand at the forefront.  I have found with all aspects of life that if one can take ego out of the equation, the answers become so very simple.  

It is your business not mine.  If you're of legal consenting ability, then what you do with your life is not my concern unless it directly impacts mine in a harmful manner, or if it destroys/harms another.  Again this "harmful direct impact" must not be ego based.  My discomfort or disagreeance with another's belief isn't actually harmful.  Just as what you think of me is not my business.    

I still like to think that the basics of, "be kind" is key.  Although I will be the first to admit that I have most certainly failed at this many times over.  So I try harder and surround myself with people who hold me to a higher standard.  Humans as a whole are quite quick to throw stones while their own closets are chock full of skeletons.  What is in the dark will always come to light, let karma do it’s job.  Sometimes what you say about people is only a self assassination and reflection of your character.  

Always be better than and greater than.

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