Friday, December 20, 2019

Holiday Cheer

Merry Christmas and Happy Yule to everyone who celebrates this holiday season, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Whatever you celebrate pertaining to your authority, be safe this season. To say everyone is going to have a wonderful holiday season is naive.  Be mindful and extend a supportive hand, show humility and compassion because adversity does not discriminate.

For more years than I can count, there have been many attempting to remind others that this is a season of loving and compassion.  It isn't about the gifts and greed that often accompanies all aspects of commercialism.  There's no time like the present to accept such knowledge into your heart.  I challenge all to preform one act of kindness.  One "pay it forward".  One honest to goodness, act of kindness.  If we each did just one of these things every day, maybe, just maybe our world would be a better place with far more hope than we currently have.

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