Friday, April 22, 2016

Lifetime or a moment in time

I love freshly laundered linen, rescue dogs, wildlife, politics, and lilies. Doing things with great passion, heated debates, and good conversation. White & dark chocolate, mangoes, long lasting friendships, Winnie the pooh, writing, and adventures. Longs walks in the middle of nowhere, oceans, and beaches. Setting goals, falling in love, dancing, holding hands, sitting with someone close at sunset on the beach. Walking in the rain, jumping in puddles, skinny dipping, sharing my secrets with a special someone, fears and accomplishments. Kissing, snuggling, mens button down shirts, and the scent of a rich cologne lingering on my pillow. 

I loath okra, dirty dishes, satin sheets, and harmful gossip. Animal abusers, injustice, BSL, and being cold. Stubbing my toe, liars, Donald Trump, and compromising my values. I believe in the value if a kind word, second chances, laughing until you cry, and telling people you love them. Accepting my flaws as readily as my positive qualities. Finding beauty in every situation, if not always in the actions of others. I believe love and connecting with another is a beautiful thing be it for a lifetime or a moment in time. I miss sipping wine with candles lit, just "being" with another person. I believe if you have captured my heart and soul we both have gained. I believe you really never know someone until you look them in the eyes and hear your name on the lips.

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