Thursday, April 14, 2016

Embrace the pain

Perhaps we’ll meet again when we’re older, when our minds are less hectic. Maybe then, you'll be better for me and I'll be better for you.

There are people that come into our lives changing almost everything. The world seems to dim everywhere else as they stand before you. Like the sun they seem to burn bright and hot, and you simply know it cannot last. Sometimes they stay for what feels a lifetime, sometimes but a moment in time. I've been fortunate enough to have a few of these amazing people come into my life over the years, and each time I am elated and devastated all the same. Regardless of the pain their inevitable absence brings, I can always look back on our time together and smile.

Don't get weighted down over the sense of loss. When you do that you fail to embrace and allow all of the positivity and good they brought into your life, and how you're better for it. After all without the pain of loss, how would we know what the true exhilaration of joy is?

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