Sunday, May 7, 2017

Checks and Balances

She has always sworn that she will choose carefully.  Choose with purpose, and forethought.  She's always chosen to be smart and diligent in matters of her affections and heart.  I watched her for years, and yes she has stayed true to her plan.  Never a hair out of place, all of her buttons match and her suitors are suitably suited.  She's careful and safe.  She's well thought out and poised. 

She's nothing like me at all. 

I've little to no relatable anecdotes to draw upon for her.  For while I may on occasion think matters of the heart through, I often leap before I look.  Throw caution into the wind, embracing the landing as readily as the fall.  The only advice I can see to give her is of little help to one so meticulous in her plans. When I say, "Love isn't for the weak or faint of heart, it's grit, excitement, exposed nerves, and bone.  Cowboy up honey, be it an 8 second run, or the ride of your life it will just as equally take your well planned out direction and tear it to shreds." 

You can plan for many things, but a human heart cannot be won that way.   Only those lovers who didn't choose at all but were, as it were, chosen by something invisible and powerful and uncontrollable and beautiful and possibly even unsuitable-- only those know what I'm talking about in this talking about love.

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