Thursday, May 4, 2017

The View From Here

Don't ask my opinion 
Don't ask me to lie 
Then beg for forgiveness 
 For making you cry 
Making you cry 
'Cause I'm only human after all 
I'm only human after all 
Don't put your blame on me 
Don't put the blame on me

One of the biggest errors other make, at least with me; is asking for my opinion.  It is something that causes me to pause and always ask, "do you want my opinion as I see things, or do you actually want me to tell you what you want to hear?" 

I rarely if ever think along the same lines as others and while my experiences may indeed colour my views on things in general; my ability to think critically is one of the greatest gifts I have.  I have always been able to see the end picture.  When I was much younger it made me very difficult to deal with, yes even more so than now.  I hadn't yet come to the understand or realization that the process is just as valid and important to many aspects in life as that end result.  Back then it caused me to dismiss many entirely.  Failing to embrace that even in those many cases where I simply knew it would end badly, that the process in and of itself was also filled with lessons and knowledge that could not be earned simply through success.  I do try to embrace the entire process now, as difficult as that may be for one such as myself whom constantly critically analyzes everything and everyone and has the answers within minutes.  Sometimes we have to simply prepare ourselves for the the worst and yet still try for the best, even when we can see that oncoming train of stark reality.  I am told that people do deserve at least that chance to show they are capable of changing their direction.

Many a great thanks to those whom along the way shifted gears and showed me a different outcome.  And yes, just as many great thanks to those whom maintained their course, and in doing so proved me right.  Each was and experience and lesson that only you could have taught me.  

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