Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Nils from Sweden Asks:

"Hello Firefly, in your December 30th post on your year end review you spoke briefly about 4Chan.  Are you a member of the site and are you willing to openly discuss the site and your views about why people should or shouldn't use it?" 

Hi Nils,

Well now aren't you are just jumping right in there both feet.  No tip toe testing those waters for you!  I did indeed mention 4Chan, and to my surprise there are many whom still know nothing about the site.  For starters I am old enough and well net travelled enough that 4Chan while controversial to many, doesn't even have me gasping with "Oh. My. Gods." or "What will they think of next...those stupid kids."  Way back in the day my message boards had a lot less glitz and far more function.  If you knew your way around a \me say's hello!  Oh m(IRC) you were the granddaddy of em all weren't you?

So we have onions.  Layers and layers of information just out there for viewing pleasure and fact finding.  From the Dark Web, to the Deep Web there came a bubble that managed to work it's way up to the surface; shocking and thrilling net users alike.  4Chan was thus born.

In the simplest of terms, 4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images anonymously. Now as for my being a 'member' well that's even easier to answer.  I cannot be a member, as 4Chan doesn't have any members. Users never need to make an account or pick a username — even a pseudonymous one.  That is precisely what draws so many in.  We are in an age where everything is so closely monitored, put under scrutiny, and judged that many flock to the darker corners and in finding them can do some pretty silly things. 

I am a firm believer in personal accountability, so no I will not denounce 4Chan or speak ill of it's creator.  What I will say is that so long as there are those whom wish to silence, bully, and attempt to limit internet access there will be those whom fight against such tyranny.  Like anything in life there are times to just jump and have faith, 4Chan, the deep web, and the dark web are not the places for faith.  They are places that require vigilance, common sense, an ability to fact check, a good VPN, an excellent firewall, and yes personal accountability. 

Shock value seems to go a long way with the foolish.  Like any website, message board, search engine, or IRC there is always that X in the top right corner.  If it doesn't feel right, doesn't sound right, doesn't look right.  Don't be a part of it.  The truest test to anyone's character is what they will do and say when no one is looking or there are little to no consequences to be had.  You must decide who you will be.

As for me.  Well I live my life rather shamelessly, but yes I do have a really good VPN, and excellent firewall, and a Tor.  A girl does like to be prepared.

Expect Us.

We are legion.We do not forgive.  We do not forget. 

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