Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Nowhere Fast

Holding pattern?  Status quo?  Acceptance?  Going nowhere fast?  

Whatever it is that you call it, some will say we are indeed there.  I see it differently.  I do not believe that something must occur to justify the end result.  There are moments in time and experiences that are wholly onto themselves.  They have value, intrinsic and otherwise in there occuance. 

We are there.  We are, that.  We are just us in the moment, smiling, laughing, living our truth.  Respecting and wanting each other to be our best possible selves.  Why is there such a desire, need, to define it all and place labels upon it all.  Does another's label change what it is?  Does it make it all that more real? 

No it doesn't. 

We will continue, until we continue no more.  This is us and we are beautiful just as we are.

I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race.  It's not.  It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20.    

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