Sunday, January 14, 2018

Peaceful Easy Feeling

The possibility of stepping out of ones well constructed comfort zone is a terrifying process.  At least it is for a good 80 percent of the populace.  Knowing that stepping out of a well constructed comfort zone has both the potential to be amazing, life changing, and life shattering is something that gives 98 percent of the populace pause.  How could it not?  Pain for the most part is an unwelcomed internal and external force.  Outside of the masochists, who wants to hurt?

I implore you to take that leap of faith just the same.  It may not end in the hearts and flowers kind of bliss you secretly hoped for, but you may find that you have landed in the presence of another soul you can, even if only for a brief time, connect with.  Where the laughter is plenty, the conversation easy, and for that moment, even if it is just that moment; your heart is lighter and a little more fearless.  Your smile is genuine and reaches your eyes. 

As the song goes, "its a peaceful, easy feeling."

I don't know about you, but I could do with a lot more days and nights feeling like that. 

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