Friday, March 17, 2017

Running With Wolves

The beauty of being in the north is the wildlife.  There is such a variety of natural beauty that surrounds us at any given time, be it summer, winter, spring, or fall.  Today was a day for the wolf.  Running full tilt, along the side of the road showing the world the beauty in power and grace.  I cannot express how pleased I am that nary a soul panicked calling out for the destruction of such a stunning creature.  All went along their merry ways, smiling and in total awe of such wonders.

Run free my friend, you will forever make me smile just that much more.

My rescue has me encountering so many different animals, domestic to wild.  My three wolves are not as human friendly, at least not with those outside of us whom work with them daily.  I like it that way.  I am still a firm believer that wildlife should remain wild.  I am not now, nor have I ever been pleased with those whom take animals whom are meant to remain wild and making them pets.  We have truly screwed with their natural habitats enough, and to add this insult of trying to make them's unconscionable.  Almost as unconscionable as those who partake in the culling of wolves, also known as the slaughter of wolves.  A special place in hell awaits those people. 

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