Monday, March 13, 2017

Christopher Asks:

What do you believe that not many other people do? (i.e., what are some of your unpopular opinions?)

Oh bless your heart, most of my opinions seem to be pretty unpopular most days.  I'm not one to shy away from a verbal volleying of ideas, and when it's with someone who can share with me their viewpoints without either of us slandering the other I'm so happy.  But hey this is the internet and more often than not people either run screaming, or just think I'm a fat lesbian.  At least that seems to be the popular go to slam.  So my go to hot button opinions seem to be:

*Animals are better than people.  Harambe's death was avoidable and yes I would have been ok if the kid didn't make it sad as that is.  I'm reminded of a young girls death, many many years ago at the Met.  She was on a school trip and chose to slide down the large marble railings there from something like the 2nd or 3rd level.  She didn't make it of course.  People were crying and asking why and talking about the wasted life of one so young..... I was shaking my head and thinking, "natural selection works."  At some point we've got to realize culling the herd isn't as bad as it seems.  Yeah that tends to piss people off.

*I am a liberal whom thinks gun control is both good and bad.  I always carry a knife.

*I'm Pro Choice (not pro abortion, most days)

*Zoo's should be set up in a manner that the animals run free and the humans are in cages should they wish to go.

*Marriage is laughable. I am in awe of those whom make it last and work, but I don't believe marriage is good for me.

*P0rn isn't evil.

*Men whom have ass fetishes and lurve anal, 95% of the time are shitty lovers. (pun not actually intended butt humorous to me now)

*All men are not created equal, nor are all women.  Different is good and individuality should be celebrated.

*Fashion policing (ie: pull up your pants or you can't shop here) is so damn stupid!

*Animated TV or movies are more fun to watch than real people TV or movies.

*Washing your hair every day is a silly thing to do. Plus it's bad for your hair.

*Dressing up for a partner is stupid.

*Men and women can be just friends.

*Any and all testing done on animals for human benefit is wrong.  Yes even for medical advancement.

Of course there are many other unpopular opinions that I hold but those are the ones that popped into my head first.  As always these are just my thoughts, now go have a few of your own.

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