Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Beer Guy

I starting talking to TBG almost two weeks ago.  He was direct, upfront and open about his interest in meeting and getting to know me in person.  Something I hold in high regard.  We had some great phone conversations and thus set up a time to meet and enjoy some live music.  TBG was shorter than I typically go for but over all a decent looking man.  Within 5 minutes of attempted face to face conversation however, it was clear that keeping the conversation going was going to be up to me. 

Now I always take into account that someone might be nervous on the face to face meeting and happily try to take away the stress.  I will however try to get the person to open up and to also see if they can handle me.  I'm not for the faint of heart as you are all aware.  There are a few items that I do like to get out of the way before either of us waste anymore of our time.  Knowing how someone handles stress, what their thoughts are on racism and LGBT right, and of course are they actual animal lovers.  I have to give TBG credit for landing two out the three without batting an eye. 

While I did my very best to keep everything light and friendly, through the entire conversation TBG made little to no eye-contact, and when another paid me a compliment he was visibly annoyed.  The stranger had said nothing more than he adored my hair.  Noting that not many could pull off a mohawk and still look soft.  It was a compliment, nothing more and nothing less.  It was sweet and made me smile.  TBG was openly jealous.  Yuck.  Insecurity is so unattractive, and such a huge warning bell for me.  It was becoming more and more obvious that between the two of us I was the one who had the bigger penis.  Ha!  This of course annoyed me, so I stopped being subtle in my conversation.  The kid gloves had to come off and it was time to see what he was really made of. 

He failed horribly.  Not only was he insecure and jealous.  TBG was homophobic.  Double yuck!  His rigid frame and looking directly ahead, no eye contact form was a wall of ugliness that made me laugh.  I've come to a point in my life where I'm not even surprised by these things, I just find them and the person one big dumb joke.  We finished off our appetizers and called it a night.  As I changed and got comfortable TBG actually texted me to ask if I wanted to have a "sleep over" stating that he was hoping I would come back home with him.  Once I had stopped laughing and showing my daughter the text, both she and I sat with tea chuckling about how damn difficult it was for me to find a man of substance, but who was still open minded enough to also accept that I think a little more outside the box than most.  We've come to the conclusion that while my dating is necessary, in the end it is probably best that I accept the likelihood that I will remain single forever. 

I might need to change my stance on fuckboys.  I won't have to talk to them will I?

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