Tuesday, August 30, 2016

In the blink of an eye


Ups and down. Twists, and turns. Surprises and heartache abound even in the most even keeled of lives, hearts, and minds. Stop for a minute and think about all that you've been through in the last week. Now pause a minute longer and take in what you've survived and accomplished in the last month. You might not be exactly where you want or hoped you'd be, but you aren't where you were are you? You're certainly not yet at your final destination, this while totally an awesome a blog even if I do say so myself cannot be anyone's final destination.

The fact of the matter is, things change. People, places, circumstances. We've known this for as long as we've drawn breath. So if you're clinging to your past, or another's past; you're wasting a lot of time and energy. It like so many people that were once a part of your life, they're behind you for a reason. That isn't the direction you're going!

I realize it may not feel like you've accomplished a lot. So I ask by what standard are you basing that assumption on? Are you measuring your life and how you've lived it by another's meter stick or set of rules? Live your life by your own terms, who are you really supposed to impress? We each are owed nothing, and in return owe nothing to anyone else that we are not legally responsible for.

Now to you this may all seem like pretty platitudes. To that my response is pretty simple. Change your manner of thinking. It isn't easy! Nothing of worth ever is, at first. But you already knew that. So what's holding you back? Fear?

I don't have time for such things.

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