Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Talk with your mouth full

Oh for the love of a comfy butt.  My exceedingly amazing daughter brought home from work with her a new couch. Our old and very sad couch met with certain death when the aforementioned amazing girl and Mako decided that it was to be the item that broke their fall.  A fall that was quite substantial in nature and thus left substantial damage. Thankfully only to the couch and not them.  So now with that milestone accomplished, next is the search for a new laptop.  Both Esme and I are old enough to actually enjoy a full keyboard so we're looking for either a laptop or a two in one laptop/tablet.

We seem to have found a few that are under 500. None of which are stolen! Will wonders ever cease?  I've got to go and have a look at them and cross my fingers they have the minimal requirements we need. Of course this is going to be done between our work schedules, running the hellhounds, and attempting to eat and sleep. That is after we also finally manage to shop for actual food. Food that contains vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. I need to cook real food to be happy. Ready made will do in a pinch but I actually love making a meal for someone. The evenings where Esme and I take the time to cook a well balanced meal together and sit and eat together makes us happiest. Plus I'm old fashioned in that meal time is conversation time! The whole eat, drink, and be merry is something we believe in.

My cousins parents never allowed that at the table. The laughter, and sharing in how your day was, well it wasn't allowed. How I would get into trouble when I had to eat there, which thankfully wasn't often. I couldn't contain my running diatribe of days events the second my butt hit the dinner table chair. I mean come on, silence, monk meals? Fuck that, food and family around a table is supposed to be a time of connecting and laughter. Anything less is just torture. I refuse to live a life of torture when laughter and conversation are in such readily available supply.

Tonights menu is poached salmon with a lemmon pepper glaze, bazmati rice, steamed green beans, and baked cauliflower. Easy, quick, and full of flavour. Join us?

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