Friday, October 14, 2016

Jesus isn't my homeboy

He ain't even invited to the party. Nothing annoys me more than anyone trying to force their religious beliefs upon me. Don't rape my mind or soul, thank you very much. I find all religions quite interesting. From their dogmatic followers to their lost in translation hard lines, and enforced rules. How this sect abhors halloween, to how this other sect believes rats are the embodiment of their reincarnated ancestors.

This past week one of my coworkers was comisserating on how she didn't get to go to church and talk to jesus. I smiled and said, " you don't have to be in a church to have him with you. If you believe, he's always with you." Apparently I didn't understand that she needs the building and the other believers to feel the joy of being surrounded by other believers. My lack luster "ahhh" had her asking what church I went to. I responded how I did not need to attend a church to have faith in my beliefs, but that while born and raised Roman catholic but also embraced and was taught a more earth based faith by another family member; that I no longer attend church. I didn't believe in her God or jesus.

I should have just remained silent.

"But if you don't believe in God how can you keep the devil away?" Came the astounded question. For the third or maybe fourth time in my life I remained unengaged, unfaultering and neutral in my emotions as I replied. "The devil is a Christian ideology. Thus I don't believe in it either." Apparently they disagreed as they said you don't have to believe in one to believe in the other. I remained quiet but still disagree.

Evil. Yes their is evil in the world. A great deal of it in fact. It lies in the hearts and minds of men, women, and yes even children. I need not believe in the devil or his ghostly counterpart to believe that.

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