Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Stories from a stranger

On of my relatives, kind of distant reached out to me. It was weird, mostly because she's older than me and I do not remember her at all. I scoured the old entries, and nothing. I've got nothing I tell ya. I researched by given name, possible nick names, initials. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis.

She seems nice. She told me stories about me as a kid that I was able to verify in my older entries that no one has seen. Cool. Shes super-d-duper direct. I like that. It's uncomfortable and funny as fuck. She made a comment about p0rn, I sat stunned for a second then laughed until I cried. It was so brutally honest it was refreshing.

I'm not so sure if she'll stick around or slip away like all of the others I pay only a passing interest in. For the moment however it's nice. She knows that too. Understands it even. Didn't state if she approved or disapproved but said she understood. Once again, refreshing. I was once the friend that was the glue for everyone and everything. It was time consuming and a thankless job.

It's a well documented fact that I suck to have as a friend. Well that's how I see it anyways. I don't put in any effort if the other person doesn't. Not a lick. I've never had an issue walking away, alone. I like my own company. I miss having that one close friend that I can touch base with everyday. Someone to laugh at the days bullshit with, but over the last 15 years I've gotten used to keeping my own counsel. There's less bodycount take that way.

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