Saturday, October 1, 2016

Looking back to move forward.

Why are you still looking back, you're not goingoing in that direction? It's still a statment the that I whole heartedly believe in. Wallowing in the past is often detrimental to ones personal growth. Still there are times when you must examine email the past if you are to deal with it and then move forward. It's rule number 45: clean up your own mess.

When your mind is ready to deal with the hard shit, the hard shit has a bad way of smacking you in the face. It's the mind's way of saying, "I know you can handle this now, so we're gonna pull it all out and look at it. You are going to feel like that little kid back when it all started. Yet grabbing that little kid by the hand, and saying "we got you!" It's the beginning of pulling that often confused and scared kid out of the past and bring her into the present with you. Whoever was supposed to help you throught it when it occured might have failed at their job, you however will not. In cleaning up your own mess, you've the opportunity to save yourself.

 Friends and yes even families are not always what we want them to be. Some people just can't deal with the hard shit, so they take the easy way out. Sometimes their judgement is more about them and how they handled the situation than it is about you. It usually means they aren't in a place where they can deal with. Maybe they never will be, but that is theirs to deal with. Focus on that little kid. Remind him or her that the past is just that, it can hurt but only if you allow it to. You have the power to pull out those memories and emotions and review them like pictures of the past. Examine them, poke them, but also realize that you can learn a great deal from this self explanatory experience! You are worth the effort, time, and growth development.  I'm sure you will do just fine by that once lost kid.

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