Saturday, October 8, 2016

Smelling Salts and Cider

Touching base with LoneRider was good. He's back doing what he loves and throwing himself into it with a renewed zest. There's always an ease when we talk, which I adore. Some friendships are meant to last. I'm glad he's in my corner and vice versa. He'll make it home for Thanksgiving I  time to hold his niece and eat pie, while this year I delve into another 12 hour shift surrounded by strangers. Strangers whom are slowly becoming friends.

On my next day off I'll make Esme and I am dinner with all the trimmings. This year... well this year I want to bank as much as possible and try like hell to get a little bit ahead in the game of life. I'd very much enjoy having more money than month for a change. A girl can dream can't she? For now my love and hope that you all and my stoney-faced accomplice LoneRider are surrounded by those you love and who love you in return.

And on the first night we met you said "Well darling, let's make a deal. If anybody ever asks us, let's just tell them that we met in jail." And that's the story that I'm sticking to like a stony-faced accomplice But tonight I need to hear some truth if I'm ever getting through this. Yeah you once sent me a letter that said "If you're lost at sea, Close your eyes and catch the tide my dear and only think of me." Well darling now I'm sinking and I'm as lost as lost can be And I was hoping you could drag me up from down here towards my recovery.
-Frank Turner

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