Saturday, January 27, 2018

Drinking Games

Much to many peoples surprise, I am in fact not a big fan of drinking games.  I never have been.  I prefer to note that as an adult I don't need a game to drink, just a glass and enough scratch to buy the bottle really.  Plus I must admit that being that out of control, and possibly vomiting on myself isn't my idea of fun. 

So now here I sit after hours of research and combing new sites, and reference sites.  Amidst collecting all of the required data for my paper, noting that I have read so many political blurbs, reports, and full on articles that a drinking game sounds like a smashing idea.  I say we make it skill level expert and you must be politically inclined to play.

Here are the rules:
Open your browser
Hit feeling lucky in Google
Every single post you see that is political, about Donald Trump, Justin's duckie socks, or has you wanting to become a pirate and make them all walk the plank... take a drink or a shot. 

Now if you are playing this game correctly, your home if not already on fire should be on fire within the hour.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Jive On

'This is not f*****g fair that you took me off the train because I had my foot there because I was comfortable like that,' she said.
'There is no law that tells me that I cannot sit that way because I paid to be in there' but the officer replied: 'It's the rules of the train.'
Meanwhile as small group of bystanders gather, including a woman, later identified by LAPD as 22-year-old Selina Lechuga, who can be heard shouting expletives at the officer.
'Are you f*****g kidding me? You really have nothing to do,' Lechuga says.

Read more: us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's well known that I am not always the most tolerant person of sheer stupidity and blatant disregard for your fellow man.  It is also pretty well know that I gave up my vehicles many years back and have chosen to walk, bike, bus, or train my way around this globe.  On an almost daily basis, I ride the bus.  When the load is greater than is comfortable, or feasible for a bus ride I will call upon my trusted cab company to wisk myself home.  I may in fact be one of the few whom does love to drive, but also loves to ride the bus.  I do not hold the hatred many have for public transit.  It's a privilege that I truly appreciate.  Plus I do enjoy people watching.

You notice I used the term privilege, not a right.  Much like driving a car, riding public transit is a privilege not a right.  If you drive like an asshole you'll lose you license and if you are an obnoxious passenger you may indeed be asked to get off the damn bus.  So why are so many up in arms and slamming the LAPD officer for removing the "teen" she is 18; an adult, off the bus?  I see headlines and rants of "abuse of power".  So lets just look at the abuse going on.

The rules of public transit are pretty simple really.  Pay your fare, be respectful to everyone on the bus, music should only be heard by you not everyone on the bus, keep bags and luggage out of the way and off the seats, make room for others to sit, always give up priority seating to those in need, and in general don't be a asshole.  I am paraphrasing the rules I'll admit but yes that pretty much sums it up.  Now there have been many instances where people including myself have screwed up.  It was not intentional, but it was our error.  Errors that are really quick, simple fixes.  Apologize to the one(s) you offended, make quick amends (ie: change the behaviour immediately).

Bethany Nava, chose to ride the train, she chose to put her feet up on the seat because and we can quote her "because I was comfortable like that."  When asked as is well within the rights of the officer, for Bethany to get off the train, she was both disruptive and in being blunt a total uncouth asshole to the officer she was removed by all the while putting up a fight.  But this is somehow the officers fault?  Seriously?  You're going to tell me that if your child behaved with the same attitude you'd have not given your kid a smack on the ass and told them to clean up their act?  I can say that I would have.  Actually let me not lie to you, I would have seriously spanked either of my children for that level of bullshit.

I am amazed at those so willing to defend Bethany and her asinine behaviour.  Where is the accountability?  Yes she paid for her ticket, just as you'd have paid your car insurance.  Does that mean you can dive however you want?  A few years back I screwed up on the train.  I was just learning the routes and where the tracks were that I needed.  It was damn overwhelming I can admit.  So when I heard that the train I needed was about ready to depart, I ran and as I passed the presto machine I swiped my wallet across it and kept running.  I had to make the train!  No where in describing on how to use a presto car and machine does it say swipe your wallet.  It clearly says swipe you card.

So I make it up to the upper level on the train and am so relieved.  I can get home sooner rather than later.  I am in the quiet section (Yes there is one and you had better be quiet. Seriously) and I am resting quietly with my eyes closed when I feel the tap on my shoulder.  It is the transit lady with her handy machine to swipe cards to prove that we all paid.  No problem!  I tap my card, and am told I tapped it too fast.  So I tap it again and see her face change to annoyance.  Ok what had I done to annoy her?  Well for starters, I had NOT paid for my ride.  I explained what I had done and like any public servant who had more likely than heard this "bullshit" far too many times, she took a deep breathe.

She was feeling charitable and gave me a choice.  I could take the $150 fine and have my card taken, or I could have to .50 cent lecture right there in the now silent section in front of everyone who was now well aware I did not pay to ride like they had.  Noting that my back account had maybe 75 dollars in it and really not wanting the hefty fine as well as also loosing the 50 dollar balance on my card, I chose to receive the unforgettable lecture.  I took my very embarrassing lecture like a big girl and apologise profusely whilst the man next to me chuckled and nudged me and whispered "oh your a bad girl" making it all that much worse.  Now I openly admitted that I was an idiot and failed to do my part and the transit officer took both joy and pity in my plight, but was ultimately very kind.

Had I responded as Bethany Nava and Selina Lechuga had with profanity, and telling the transit officer, "don't you have anything better to fucking do?"  How do you really think that embarrassing scene would have ended?  With the .50 cent lecture?  I likely would have been arrested and had a much more embarrassing tale to tell about the time I not only failed to pay for my fare but also acted like a class A cunt.

But someone putting there feet up on the seat isn't as bad as even accidently not paying for their fare.

I beg to differ.  There are rules for riding any public transit and we are expected to obey them.  I cannot even begin to tell you how pissed off I get when I get on the bus and see someone with their feet on the seat.  So whatever your feet have walked through I now have to sit in?  That is for those that actually move their feet after I stare them down with an arched brow.  Those that don't move their feet get told off very bluntly and may still have their feet shoved off the damn seat.  What I really want to do is punch them in the face for being so damned ignorant.

The likelihood is that the Sgt is going to be reprimanded for doing his job, and the little bitch is going to get away with her bullshit to remain a selfish dipshit the rest of her life playing the victim while the rest of us try to do the right thing and not beat the ever loving shit out of her. 

Metro's 28 page customer code of conduct states that 'placing feet or shoes on seats or furnishings' is prohibited disorderly conduct, which may be penalized with a warning and/or ejection from the train.
Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Change is good

Change of scenery, change of outlook, change of attitude, change of availability.  I have come to find it is a time for change.   I have been standing in the same place awaiting change; when know all along that change is up to me.  I have been complacent in my own joy.  In fact I have been far too complacent in a great many things, including friendships that are nothing more than a drain on who I am.  Its high time to correct that exceedingly small minded behaviour.

I am deeply ashamed that I have been far more of a spectator within my own story.  Stopping to regroup is always a good thing.  However just, stopping, that's shameful.  I recently took a chance.  It was worth the risk.  I have also recently come to realize that it was a complete failure.  Still I do not regret taking the chance.  I am however reminded that in doing so I was stunned at the failure.  It took a bit of wind out of my sails and has had me examining the cause and effect. 

In other words I became caught up in the "where did I go wrong mentality."  while I believe introspection is fantastic, if you become too caught up in it, it can take over far too much of your daily life.  Sometimes acceptance is the only rational choice.  As the saying goes, " when someone shows you who they truly are. Believe them." 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Nils from Sweden Asks:

"Hello Firefly, in your December 30th post on your year end review you spoke briefly about 4Chan.  Are you a member of the site and are you willing to openly discuss the site and your views about why people should or shouldn't use it?" 

Hi Nils,

Well now aren't you are just jumping right in there both feet.  No tip toe testing those waters for you!  I did indeed mention 4Chan, and to my surprise there are many whom still know nothing about the site.  For starters I am old enough and well net travelled enough that 4Chan while controversial to many, doesn't even have me gasping with "Oh. My. Gods." or "What will they think of next...those stupid kids."  Way back in the day my message boards had a lot less glitz and far more function.  If you knew your way around a \me say's hello!  Oh m(IRC) you were the granddaddy of em all weren't you?

So we have onions.  Layers and layers of information just out there for viewing pleasure and fact finding.  From the Dark Web, to the Deep Web there came a bubble that managed to work it's way up to the surface; shocking and thrilling net users alike.  4Chan was thus born.

In the simplest of terms, 4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images anonymously. Now as for my being a 'member' well that's even easier to answer.  I cannot be a member, as 4Chan doesn't have any members. Users never need to make an account or pick a username — even a pseudonymous one.  That is precisely what draws so many in.  We are in an age where everything is so closely monitored, put under scrutiny, and judged that many flock to the darker corners and in finding them can do some pretty silly things. 

I am a firm believer in personal accountability, so no I will not denounce 4Chan or speak ill of it's creator.  What I will say is that so long as there are those whom wish to silence, bully, and attempt to limit internet access there will be those whom fight against such tyranny.  Like anything in life there are times to just jump and have faith, 4Chan, the deep web, and the dark web are not the places for faith.  They are places that require vigilance, common sense, an ability to fact check, a good VPN, an excellent firewall, and yes personal accountability. 

Shock value seems to go a long way with the foolish.  Like any website, message board, search engine, or IRC there is always that X in the top right corner.  If it doesn't feel right, doesn't sound right, doesn't look right.  Don't be a part of it.  The truest test to anyone's character is what they will do and say when no one is looking or there are little to no consequences to be had.  You must decide who you will be.

As for me.  Well I live my life rather shamelessly, but yes I do have a really good VPN, and excellent firewall, and a Tor.  A girl does like to be prepared.

Expect Us.

We are legion.We do not forgive.  We do not forget. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Just Ask

This guy's walking down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he can't get out.

A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, "Hey you, can you help me out?"
The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole and moves on.

Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up "Father, I'm down in this hole,
can you help me out?"
The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on.

Then a friend walks by. "Hey Joe, it's me, can you help me out?"
And the friend jumps in the hole. Our guy says, "Are you stupid?
Now we're both down here."

The friend says, "Yeah, but I've been down here before, and I know the way out."

I've certainly been down here before, it can be a little tricky navigating the maze and a few of the sinkholes are real bitches but if I made it out, so can you.  Plus, you don't have to do it alone.  Not ever again.

If I call you my friend, I mean it.  If I call you family, I'm in for life.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

He Lost His Head?

Denis Cuspert, also known by stage name Deso Dogg, was a German hip-hop artist before becoming affiliated with Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He made propaganda videos for the group, including a 2014 video where he showed off a severed head for the camera and encouraged other Western youth to join him. He was designated as a “global terrorist” by the US State Department in 2015.

Now the reports vary on Denis' death.  While someone who knew Denis personally from his rapping days says that a released photograph, does indeed hold many of the characteristics that they associated with Denis, at this time that is really the only "proof" we have.  Further, it is very uncommon for extremeists to actually show photographs of their fallen.

Denis Cuspert, 41, was a high-profile hip-hop artist known as Deso Dogg before turning to jihadism


While we may be all hoping that this insane man is indeed dead, his death has be reported before falsely, which is common among terrorists to throw off investigators. He was reportedly killed by an airstrike in Deir Ezzor, a province in eastern Syria where Isil still has small pockets of control.

There was no independent confirmation of Cuspert’s death from the US-led coalition and Western security services have long warned that foreign fighters might try to fake their deaths to throw investigators off their trail.

 If Cuspert is truly dead, his killing marks the end of one of Isil’s most colourful and charismatic Western jihadists.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Aren't You Afraid?

Face Everything And Rise

This was the very direct and honest question my girlfriend Barbie asked; very straight faced and with the kind of sober assurance in her voice that had me pausing to really think over her question as we sipped our lattes.  Well I had a latte and she was happily day drinking....again.  She does that, I smile and pour her another.  As some of you will already know, Barbie is the leggy blonde with massive breasts ex porn girl who hates children and all things difficult.  As such she doesn't often ask the difficult questions.  We laugh, keep things in her comfort zone, and should it get hard, well she calls me to deal with it.  I am her only girlfriend that she trusts and as such I am yes, her part time enabler.  It's a workable system and I simply accept her just as she is.

So back to her question.  Wasn't I afraid?  Well afraid of what? was my immediate thought.  When I say very bluntly that in my home specifically, I don't do fear.  I mean it.  Fear is a useless emotion.  Moreover in my home with the animals that are in my care, fear is a detriment.  Have I felt fear?  Of course.  I choose not to give it much creedence though.

Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?  Barbie clarified.

Ahh, the million dollar question.  Is the risk worth the payoff, or should we just never try?  At least that is how many view things.  From life, to love, to business, to adventure.  It really all comes down to people wanting some kind of payoff.  From life that payoff can be fame, power, a life remembered by others.  In love well that all depends on what you go into it looking for; kids, security, passion, that one person that doesn't run away from your ugliness.  And yes we all have ugliness.  In business it often boils down to money, though fame, and notability are often in there with a smidgen of power too.  Adventure is often focused around peace, relaxation, or elation.

So wasn't I afraid?  As Barbie and I had been discussing my recent trust fall into the world of connecting with another again, I did that quick scan of all that we'd touched on.  Age being a big one, not knowing what tomorrow would bring, the often dodged question, am I going to be the only one, and shelf life.  My own quirky term that I've become exceedingly comfortable with.

Barbie not being the patient sort slapped my leg and demanded an answer.  My answer is both simple and complex.  No.  I am not afraid of being hurt is what this all comes down to.  Will I be hurt?  Possibly.  Will I allow that to colour or direct the course of how things progress?  No.  Funnily enough The Voice and I discussed this last night in a roundabout manner.

Each relationship that we've all had, be it romantic, business, and everything in between has coloured how we view life and others.  It is inevitable, yet I am a firm believer that you cannot, should not paint each new person in your life with the same brushstrokes that you painted the last person.  As humans we have the gift of reason, and as my son would say "mum you are the one who gave me all my skills for critical thinking."  Critical thinking is my gift and curse.

I can boil any and all situations down to their lowest common denominator within 5 minutes of having met someone.  I am no mind reader, I just trend to read people well.  My directness also tends to weed out those who would prefer to be deceitful on a great many levels.  Like anyone else I have my scars.  Physical, mental, emotional.  That's life, unless you're some kind of bubble person you're bound to have a few of each.  Unlike many, I do not go into relationships seeking a payoff of any kind.

Over the years and throughout my vast experiences, I've come to find that there is always a payoff just from taking the chance.  I no longer seek external sources to complete me.  I am wholly complete as I am.  Singular.  Alone.  Imperfectly perfect.  I have chosen to expand my circle and include another for however long he chooses to be a part of that circle.  Regardless as to the time or path he and I choose to take, I am comfortable in saying that he will always have my friendship and support.  I am fortunate to have met another kind, caring soul who also chose to take a chance and trust another.

Payoff complete.

Maybe we're perfect strangers

Maybe it's not forever
Maybe the night will change us
Maybe we'll stay together
Maybe we'll walk away
Maybe we'll realize
We're only human
Maybe we don't need no reason why 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Nowhere Fast

Holding pattern?  Status quo?  Acceptance?  Going nowhere fast?  

Whatever it is that you call it, some will say we are indeed there.  I see it differently.  I do not believe that something must occur to justify the end result.  There are moments in time and experiences that are wholly onto themselves.  They have value, intrinsic and otherwise in there occuance. 

We are there.  We are, that.  We are just us in the moment, smiling, laughing, living our truth.  Respecting and wanting each other to be our best possible selves.  Why is there such a desire, need, to define it all and place labels upon it all.  Does another's label change what it is?  Does it make it all that more real? 

No it doesn't. 

We will continue, until we continue no more.  This is us and we are beautiful just as we are.

I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you're assuming it's a 26.2 mile race.  It's not.  It's a 6.2 mile race that begins at mile 20.    

Monday, January 15, 2018

Iron Lessons

What you can learn from lifting iron is this.

Gravity is primordial, it is an opponent that is wholly indifferent to your efforts or aspirations.  Even if you make you lift, victory is temporary.  You have your moment, but in the end the iron always wins.  

The iron establishes limits of mind and muscle.  Limits for each of us to exceed, through discipline of thought and discipline of action.  There are no shortcuts to the lessons taught by the iron.  The lift is the lesson.  It is a lesson you will continually learn from.  The iron does not record your repetitions, the mass amount lifted, or the muscle mass gained.  The only true measure of its test lies in the heart and in the character of the lifter.  

Each will find that moment by lifting their limit in weight and repetition, then look deep inside and find they've got just one more.  The numbers don't matter.  Once this place beyond your limit is found and reached you will carry it with you always.  Facing any challenges that you encounter in life with the knowledge that once you think you've reached your limit, inside you still have one more.               

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Peaceful Easy Feeling

The possibility of stepping out of ones well constructed comfort zone is a terrifying process.  At least it is for a good 80 percent of the populace.  Knowing that stepping out of a well constructed comfort zone has both the potential to be amazing, life changing, and life shattering is something that gives 98 percent of the populace pause.  How could it not?  Pain for the most part is an unwelcomed internal and external force.  Outside of the masochists, who wants to hurt?

I implore you to take that leap of faith just the same.  It may not end in the hearts and flowers kind of bliss you secretly hoped for, but you may find that you have landed in the presence of another soul you can, even if only for a brief time, connect with.  Where the laughter is plenty, the conversation easy, and for that moment, even if it is just that moment; your heart is lighter and a little more fearless.  Your smile is genuine and reaches your eyes. 

As the song goes, "its a peaceful, easy feeling."

I don't know about you, but I could do with a lot more days and nights feeling like that. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Giving credit when it’s due. Huge props go out to Ty tonight. As I've come to see for myself not only talented he’s exceedingly kind. Meeting Mako as most know is not for the faint of heart or for those without a true love of animals. She’s beyond a handful somedays as any hellhound can be. And let’s be blunt she can be scary AF! She certainly was this evening as she went from 0 to 120 in the blink of an eye and her sights were set on defending her space.

 There was no threat to Mako but as those having dealt with red zone dogs, she doesn't perceive things as we do. Ty showed incredible fortitude and didn’t flinch, he completely understood where she was coming from; and why it was that she felt the need to behave like a total menace. That kind of tolerance and compassion is often far too lacking in this world.

So a huge thank you goes out to Tyson from @cashmoremusic This evening Mako and I were gifted with a kindness and understanding that few ever get. You have certainly helped restore some of my faith in humanity. May we one day soon see that logo everywhere. ✌🏼 #Cashmore #CashmoreMusic #subscribe #CashmoreCrew #goals #achievements #youtube#cashmorecrew #subscribe #cashmore #achievements #goals #mako #cashmoremusic #hellhound #youtube

Friday, January 12, 2018

How Out Of Focus Are You?

It's a well known fact that the longer you stare at something, the more out of focus it tends to become.  Hence the quote, "take a break and come back with fresh eyes" is often said by many.  Finding the truth about a great many things is in fact rather easy.  It is accepting the truth before you in all of it's simplicity that becomes the largest obstacle of all.

People like to make the truth, or facts seem such a difficult thing, or that it is a dilemma.  The facts and truth are not dilemma's or difficult at all.  Choosing the right thing is never hard, it is often the backlash or consequences created by those around you whom have such difficulty in facing said truths that are difficult.

Know your circle and choose whom you allow in it carefully.