Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sexy Back

Yesterday ended up being a really god day. Odd how that works. I was sure I’d have to go on some bloody rampage, but no. I’m glad to be honest; I was after all wearing these really cute shoes and those pants that just scream out, “good ass day ahead.” By the gods I love those pants. With work done I swung by home and picked up TMQ. Whimsy said she’d rather say home and just “chillax” and proceeded to do just that. That girl is so damn funny, and smart. She’s the breath of fresh air that makes my day’s worthwhile. TMQ and I went to…the mall. Blech. Loathe that place but he and I always end up there. He’s a teen so it’s excusable, for now. We searched for his cologne, Blue Jeans. Of course that was sold out so we ended up getting Versace Man, instead. Not sure I like the scent as much but he say’s its fine, and he’s a guy so it must be “fine.”

We weren’t able to find his football pants around here so it looks like we’ll be heading out of here early and check out Si Vous Play Sports in Pickering. They should have the pants he wants. It’s not a ‘must have’ situation but an extra pair would be helpful. I want to do that for him, and if it’ll help out Laconic then it’s fine with me. The man refuses to take child support from me! Know, I know, I wouldn’t take it from him either, not really. We were/are friends and if the kids need something whoever is able just get whatever item it is. Hell if Laconic needs anything them I’ll get it for him too. He does the same for me much to other’s amusement. People don’t get it, we really are friends. Best friends, we’re family, always will be. I guess I just don’t get that notion that because we were once together, and have children together that we are ‘supposed to’ hate one another. Why should it be like that? We love the kids, we love one another, and we’re just not in love with each other. Sure it might have been nice of us to recognize that before we had kids, but in the end it really worked out and I certainly don’t regret it.

In the end we have, between he, his wife and I, four kids that are amazing! They each have our best qualities and seem to have opted not to take on our lesser qualities. Pretty fantastic really. No, his wife and I are not all best-friendy and such, but she’s a good lady. I tend to annoy her, and I get that. There’s still an insecurity there for her that while silly, it's how she feels and it should be respected. I do my level best to ensure that I don’t do things to make that insecurity rear its ugly head, and over time I think she’s come to see that I certainly have no designs on her husband. To be honest that line of thought is, disturbing. I don’t believe in going backwards to something that you just know doesn’t work, that’s insane.

Oh and speaking of insane. Yeah this is my life… So to end a perfectly good week, I’ve had men in my bed. Let’s not forget they were gay, or asleep. I caught the eye of another man yesterday, once again gay, but he thought I was ‘adorable’ and he loved my ring. Yeah my feelings of being sexy are just jumping by leaps and bounds. *insert eye roll here* But hey there was this sort of attractive woman, in Costco, who checked out my ass… or maybe it was the jeans. They really are great jeans! Oh and I had a sexy dream… about Justin Timberlake. So who’s going to pay for my therapy? Sure he’s got a whole sensual thing going on that could really create some lusty thoughts but sweetjaysus there was really no call for dreaming about him naked, and doing that thing with his… Yeah those thoughts will lead to embarrassing moments and a seat on Dr. Phil. Gods I need to get laid, there just aren’t enough batteries left in the house and stealing the one from the kids gameboys is not working out now that they have those stupid rechargeable DS ones.

On a brighter note, I’ve lost 12 Lbs. Water weight really but I still say, “go me.” Warning head, female icky talk fellas. It’s weird, just before my monthly I retain water like the Hoover dam, I seriously, like clockwork gain upwards of 12 to 15 lbs! By the 8th day or so I’m slowly getting back down and feel a hell of a lot better, but let me just tell you for those 8 or so day’s I feel like the blob. Oh stop cringing men, if you were the ones with a period we’d hear all about it! It’s not like you guys don’t have PMS! You so do. Sure we’re the cause of it but that’s neither here nor there. It the fault that I work with women, all women that brings out this ‘honest gross talk.’ There’s little we’ve not discussed at work. It’s a women’s gym so yeah, there’s bloating, PMS, fellatio talk, stretch mark solutions (none of which have worked for me!), and the sore nipple chatter. Can’t forget those talks. See what you guys are missing out on. Now tell me the gods honest truth, fellas do you ever have those day’s when you just feel, less than fresh?

6:33 PM
TQM is back in the city now and let me just tell you how fast the drive can be made when you've got decent music and a smart assed kid!

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