Sunday, April 22, 2007

Grumble, Whoops, Grumble

Alright, I’ll admit it. I was wrong. I was so wrong that my wrongness was celebrated with a little victory dance. Yes, I love my children. I’d love it if my children would play in traffic for a few but yes, I do in fact love them. You see my little incident with the rusty nail yesterday afternoon….Well it turned out to be a bit more serious than I initially decided it would be. Sure to most a nail through the le is a big deal, but it really isn’t! Just ask the headless guy! So fine it hurt more, I gave in and went to the clinic; today. A tetanus shot, antibiotic shot, and a hefty prescription later and I’m just peachy. A little blood poisoning, pfft. You know, before I went into the damn doctors only my leg hurt.
Now my arse, hip, shoulder, and leg hurt. This curing business; yeah not so much fun for the patient. The doctor, he say’s he’s feeling perfectly fine. I almost kicked him. Nothing like showing a guy a little leg and having the first words out of his mouth be, “Oh now I don’t like the looks of that!” Of course Mr. Funny Man has to then poke the swollen, red, so obviously painful area and asks, “Does that hurt?” I of course being the smart arse that I am dryly reply, “only when I cough.”

So he poked me again and said, “cough!” Oh there was much mumbling and grumbling about smart assed doctors and their not so funny ways. His assistant while really cute, (chocolate brown hair, really dark eyes, nice rack, cute ass.) was way too happy to offer to help me out of my pants. Yeah so if I hadn’t have been in pain…Maybe I’ll go back with a slight cough one day. Actually both she and the doctor were really good looking. Freakishly so. I kind of looked around and felt like that singing ‘can you tell which thing just doesn’t belong.’ Alas before I could break into song my phone rang, it was for the doctor. My son’s father, whom knew I was there called and asked to speak to the doctor. So TC and Mr. Funny Doctor Man carry on a conversation while I sit on my arse and think about hitting on the assistant in return, cause really what else was there to do? The doctor hands me back my phone and is laughing his fool head off. The assistant shrugs and adds in so helpfully, “I think you broke him.” Me? I just really want to go home now.

I finally get the hell out of the loony bin and head home with the intent to maim and possibly abuse all those that bitched at me to go to the doctors. I didn’t get to do any of that though; there was still stuff to clean up in the back yard before I drove to Pickering. I did however whallop my son, with a bag of peat moss. I feel much better now. As it turned out is was an amazing day. It hit 22° C and the neighbors helped us clean up. We all sat around chatting and playing with the 4 dogs and just enjoying one another’s company. Oh and for those of you looking for the new Pokemon games, Diamond and Pearl; Zeller’s has them. $44.95 CDN each.

So how was your day?

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