Monday, April 23, 2007

Resting Wicked

Morning, afternoon, evening, whatever greeting fit. It’s morning here in the wonderful state/providence of nonconformity. It’s cooler than yesterday, but being only April and well the mere fact that on Easter it snowed, I can’t really complain. I want to get up and go but am doing my level best to let the stupid wound heal properly. That and I’ve not been able to gnaw through the chain yet. Kidding, sort of. Mum, aka: Hyacinth and her adoring hubby, The Golfing Biker, are hovering. Ok so GB is just kind of being his grumpy supportive guy self, and Hyacinth is hovering like a crazy woman. In an hours time I think she’s force fed me 8 cups of tea and half a loaf of dry toast. I know she’s concerned and trying to help. Still the dog is really getting full from all the toast and my sock drawer can’t take another slice.

Of course this is pretty much my own fault. I ate dairy after taking my meds and wow, won’t be forgetting those things don’t mix. Ever. The stomach cramps sent me to my damn knees. She’s just trying to be a good nurse, she’s failing miserably but we’ll give her and E for effort. I want coffee. I want coffee so bad I’m willing to stab her in the eye to make my point that I’ve had more than enough tea thankyouverymuch. This is what happens when you think, that taking over the house so that your parents; whom are no longer spring chickens; can retire and do all those things that they haven’t been able to do because they were always taking care of the kids. Namely my brother, three sisters, and I. What was I thinking? This trying to be the good, eldest daughter…sometimes it kind of blows. Other times it’s a hoot’n’a’half. Which incidentally is close to a hootenanny, but there’s a whole lot more hoot and just a touch of nanny.

The soon to be X emailed this morning. He’s in better spirits and I’ve got to say, he was quite kind. I think given time, we really could be friends. Time does heal many things, not all wounds of course; some are far too deep to ever truly heal. I keep hearing the, “you’re young dear, you’ll find love again” speech from well meaning people. I’m not sure who they are, or how they know I’m getting divorced, but they all seem really nice. The thing is I’m not ready for that, not yet. I’m not sure if I ever will be. I had always said that I would only ever marry once. Well I’ve traveled that road. I’m 33, 34 as of November, so sure I’m still young. The catch, is there one? I suppose there is. I have two children, their in the teens, I do not want to have any more. I can’t either. Snip, snip went those little tubes years ago, like in my 20’s. Are there that many men, around my age interested in never having children? Then again who say’s I’ll fall for some guy; I could find the woman of my dreams in the distant future. I’d be more than happy with that so long as it isn’t a fix up from my sister or her wife. They just don’t have the same taste in women that I do.

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