Sunday, September 11, 2016

Rough Waters

They say tough times don't last but tough people do. I like to believe that to be the case, but I also realize that everyone has their breaking point too. I haven't come close to my breaki g point to yet, but damn could we just have a bit of a break? Just a little one? Esme and I have been fighting our way through another setback with Mako. She's been out of sorts for about two weeks now and with that come her regressive behaviour.

Between her moodswings, and our work schedule we've had our hands very full. We'd love to see her come round that corner and be happily wagging her tail. When will that day come? Or come on a consistent basis? She has moments of great peace and happiness,  we are so very grateful for those moments. We are amazed at how far she has come, and we will continue to work with her everyday to further reinforce the behaviours we want to see her display.

We had to sit down and take a hard look at her recent setback. It was quite sobering. We certainly aren't blind to any of her behaviors. We never have been nor will we be. Yet this latest setback was much more troubling than any of the others. I wish we could see into her brain and truly unique derstand what it is she is thinking when these things occur.  What an amazing gift that would be for any of our bad rap pups.

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